What Shandarian Lifestyle is?
The practice of Shandarism and the lifestyle are one and the same. In this sense, Shandarian practice is a real lifestyle applied! The culture of being, experience of consciousness, unifications, rites and celebrations constitute its main pillars. When this lifestyle is used and dedicated to achieve the purpose of existence, it transforms and becomes the starway.
Experience & exploration of consciousness
Experiencing and exploring reality by consciousness is the central practice of Shandarism. It allows consciousness to be awakened and thus progress on the starway. Depending on the degree of consciousness of the Shandarian, this experience will use different exploratory modes which are the body of incarnation and its 5 senses, Shandarian trances, consciousness projections (remote viewing), lucid dreams and astral travel.
The Connexium
The connexium, also called Telepathic Daily Connection (TDC), is associated with the experience of consciousness. It consists of connecting to the Shandarian collective consciousness telepathically once a day at a fixed time for a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes. The function of this telepathic practice is to maintain and strengthen day after day the psychic link and energetic contact between Shandarians and the collective consciousness. But also to communicate and complete the information necessary for the continuity of this experience of reality.
The Culture of Being
The culture of being is a set of practices which consists of supporting the development of the state of eveillance for consciousness and progressing on the starway. The latter brings together several practical disciplines which are self-maintenance, self-knowledge, self-mastery and self-growth. Thus the culture of the being constitutes the base on which consciousness rests for its evolution towards the higher planes of the cosmos.
Shandarian unifications, rites and celebrations
- Unification is a practice of mental fusion between all Shandarians. Practiced once a week on Energia, it allows the regeneration of energetic body, the sharing of experiences and the maintenance of the psychic link with the collective essence.
- Rites and ceremonies are practices for updating the energetic body and its vibrational frequencies in order to continue its progression on the starway. These are the initiation rites as well as the 5 rites of life.
- The Shandarian celebrations are practices of recall in memory of the meaning given to the actions done on the starway as well as the meaning given to our existence and accomplishments in the universe.
Natural communion
Natural communion also called «Sýntixi» is associated with the practice of unification. It consists of merging with nature present in oneself and around oneself through consciousness and energy. The purpose and meaning is to temporarily regain unicity with all of the life energy and beings on this planet in order to express one's own being and potential in their entirety. This communion with nature is practiced in the forest once a month in spring and summer. In Shandarism, natural communion is the equivalent of pilgrimages.