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Shandarism has no worship. Thus its practice is based on the central action of experience of consciousness. Then around the latter, comes 4 satellite actions which are the culture of being, unification, rites and ceremonies of life, Shandarian celebrations. Together they form the practice of Shandarism.

  • The experience of consciousness is the set of realities experienced in the collective dream of the universe allowing the accomplishment of our Moira, our life mission as well as the action of awakening consciousness.
  • The culture of being is the set of instructions and education, physical and mental conditioning allowing the realization of the experience of consciousness as well as the accomplishment of moira.
  • The unification is the regeneration of the energy body and the sharing of experiences made allowing us to remain in energy and consciousness in order to continue our incarnation and its realizations.
  • The rites of life are updates of the energy body and consciousness in order to synchronize the stages of life with the essential (spiritual) evolution of the being during this stellar incarnation.
  • The celebrations are reminders of who we are and the meaning of our actions and vibrations in order to stay on the right path, not to forget or get lost during this stellar life.

The cycle of practice

The practice of Shandarism is a lifestyle segmented into 5 main phases which are: 1) the culture of being, 2) the experience of consciousness, 3) unification, 4) the rites of life and 5) Shandarian celebrations. Together, their logical applications form a sequence of action that repeats in space and time forms a cycle called «the cycle of practice». Followed in a licit manner according to the laws of the universe, cosmoethics and ecological respecting the order and the sense of nature, the combined and cumulative effects of this cycle then support the awakening of consciousness thus allowing progress on the starway.

Space-time & dimensions

The experience of consciousness is practiced exclusively in the different space-time and dimensions of the Xenos, while the culture of being, the unifications, rites and Shandarian celebrations are realized in the space-time and the dimension of Stellar Synergy. Therefore, the practice of Shandarism is a multidimensional practice in which The One Who Walks On The Starway makes a journey between several dimensions of the universe and realities of consciousness. He is thus the traveler of the stars who progresses and evolves between several worlds in order to accomplish his moira and achieve the fulfillment of his being in congruence with his true essential nature. He lives in the ecologicity of nature and the lawfulness of the laws of the universe in order to progress towards the higher planes of the cosmos to meet the Source of life. There where he will reach his Omega (Ω), the goal of existence.