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What is Stellar Synergy?

Stellar Synergy also called «Synergia» is both the name of the Shandarism organization and its world, frequency and dimension. It is so called because its structure, the stellar edifice, is in a synergistic relationship with its stellar setting and environment. The role and function of the stellar synergy is to be the platform, infrastructure and system on which Shandarism rests so that its building can exist and act. This synergy is, however, not considered holy or sacred, but only as a fundamental, vital and necessary source and resource for the existence of Shandarism.

The Stellar Edifice

The stellar edifice is the structure and infrastructure of Shandarism. It exists simultaneously on the physical with the Fraternity house and paraphysical (astral) planes of the cosmos. So, the latter is considered as a multidimensional entity. Its essential power (the essence) which is decision-making center is located on the paraphysical and astral plane of the cosmos while its substantial power (the substance) which is executive is located on the physical and stellar plane. That's to say the universe with its planets, stars and galaxies. In this sense, the stellar synergy and its edifice are directed from the paraphysical and astral plane to then be executed on the physical and material plane. The symbol of this edifice is Stellar flower.

Relationship to Synergia

The relationship that the Shandarians and the circle have with stellar synergy is fusional. The endocytosis and exocytosis are ways of entry and exit from this fusional state. In this sense, we are one with the latter to think, act and be as a single living organism, a single conscious and intelligent entity. Telepathy and mental fusion together form the foundation on which this unity of consciousness, energy and matter rests. Thus each element of the stellar synergy functions in symbiosis and osmosis according to the natural order of universe and the laws of cosmos. From this unity and symbiosis of being, we then access all the conditions, resources and powers necessary to achieve our full potential in a state of harmony and unicity with the rest of creation.