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Introduction to Shandarism

Shandarism is a synergy of consciousness, information and energy founded by James Shandar. This synergy doesn't believe in any God or Goddess, adheres to any dogma, no faith, practices no cult or worship, follows no spiritual master, prophet or messiah. It has its own cosmology in which only the true source of existence is accepted and recognizes only the cosmos as the one and only supreme authority. Existence and its experience are its practice and empirical knowledge and logic are its guidances. Nature is its law and the reason for life its ethics. The light expressed through the Triphlogon is its symbol.

This synergy of consciousness and energy has its own substance and essence that define it. There where substance gives birth to essence.

  • The substance of Shandarism is what fundamentally constitutes it and makes up its own nature. The latter is the eternal and endless energy of the cosmos. This is life energy in the high frequencies of the cosmos which contracts and condenses to become the life matter in the low frequencies.
  • The essence of Shandarism is the meaning given to this energy of life composing it. The structuration of energy. It is a code composed of a series of different frequencies represented by a number. The whole forming a Fibonacci sequence: 1-1-2-3-5-8.

When this sequence of numbers unfolds in the dimension of space, it forms a Fibonacci spiral representing the essence and substance of Shandarism.

At last, when the substance and essence of Shandarism are transmitted together to memory, it becomes «knowledge», Shandarian knowledge. Then when this knowledge is brought to consciousness and integrated into the mental processes of being, it becomes «thought», Shandarian thought. Finally, when this thought is implemented in a codified and structured way, it becomes practical, «Shandarian practice».

The purpose of Shandarism

The ultimate goal of Shandarism is to achieve the purpose of existence: our unicity with the cosmos in a state of complete self-realization and full awareness. Thus, Shandarism proposes a harmony between our reason for being and its own. In this sense, the purpose of Shandarism aligns with life and existence. It is an instrument serving the evolution, realization and blossoming of being. It is not there to serve the emotions (fear, anger, revenge), desires of the ego (power, money, fame, personal interest, profit) or delusions of the mind (imagination, belief, calculations and plots) .

The action of Shandarism

To achieve the ultimate goal of existence, we dont need to follow any dogma, submit to the will of any entity, whether real or fictitious, or worship anyone or anything. whether it be. We only need to experience different aspects of existence to awaken, spread our light around us and thus rise in vibration according to the natural laws of the cosmos, in harmony and unity with life in the universe. With this in mind, Shandarism gives us a path of awakening our consciences to follow which is called the starway. It is an essential (spiritual) path based on the experience and development of consciousness, empirical knowledge of existence, peace and harmony with nature and the universe, connection, fusion and communion with life and its energies. From this path, we can then fully self-realize in order to reach our Omega (Ω), the goal of our existence and thus be in unicity with the cosmos, expression of this same existence in its completeness.

Legitimacy of existence

Shandarism has the legitimate right to exist and manifest its existence through its actions in the universe. This legitimate right to existence is conferred on it by the supreme authority, the cosmos. Only the cosmos has the right and the legitimate power to decree the existence or not of all that exists within it. Therefore, no entity other than that of the cosmos has the legitimate right to decree who should and should not exist in the universe. Thus, it is not up to other lifeforms to decide whether Shandarism should exist or not, but to the cosmos alone. Now if Shandarism didn't have the right to exist, the cosmos would not allow it, its forces would act in this direction and we would simply not exist. However, the fact that we exist is proof that the cosmos allows us to exist and therefore gives us the legitimate right to exist.