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The protection of identity of the users of Shandarism.com is essential as well for their peace of mind as for the good working of our system. Thus we set up a policy of very strict confidentiality based on a strict confidentiality and the data protection. We are dedicated to respecting the privacy rights of all visitors to our web site. By using this web site, you signify your assent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any term in this Privacy Policy, kindly exit this web site.

Collection & Data storage

We collect only the data voluntarily transmitted by user at the time of his inscription on this site

We collect the following data: login, password, address email, address IP, date & hour of inscription. Then optionally the name, first name, birth date, address and phone. IP addresses are collected in order to avoid the frauds and abuse of certain Net surfers exclusively.

Collected information is stored in our computers and servers protected against the losses, deteriorations and hacking of data.

We do not use of cookie nor spyware

Use of Data

We use the data collected for our offers of service and statistics of our websites. We never use the data collected to track nor to spy our members and visitors. Finally we do not conduct investigation on those latter.

Access & Transfer of the data

The access to the listings of the users of Shandarism.com is restricted to the authorized personnel of Site only. The Publication of the names, coordinates of the users of Shandarism as well as the sale, the sharing or the transfer of the listings of the users of Shandarism.com are prohibited by the Site.

Right of access and correction

You are informed that you are entitled to obtain the communication of your personal information collected on this Internet site and, if necessary, ask any correction addressed by mail at our organization.


The Site reserves the right, to change, add or remove parts, partly or entirely, of this privacy policy constantly. Thank you periodically to check this privacy policy for the possible changes.

Effective date

This version of this privacy policy is coming into force on April 4, 2024