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General Permission

You may use our copyrighted material as described here without the need to write to us for specific permission. Shandarism.com reserves all rights, including without limitation, the right to modify or withdraw this general authorization, for any reason and without notice.

If the material you wish to use does not meet the requirements for general permission, you must request specific permission from Shandarism.com using the contact information provided below.

Personal use

You may view, listen to, quote and print copyrighted material from Shandarism.com and the Fraternity publications for your personal use.

You are not allowed to use the material, text and audio recordings for:

  • Use in connection with fundraising activities or distributed in exchange for money
  • Make ponzy, scam, hoax and fraudulent representation of Shandarism, J. Shandar & the Fraternity
  • Make affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement by Shandarism.com, J. Shandar & the Fraternity
  • Make a commercial use
  • Modify or delete the material
  • Attack, denigrate or defame Shandarism & the Fraternity

You are not allowed to edit, delete materials from Shandarism.com

For questions or requests

Applications can be submitted using the form of our contact page