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Symbol of Shandarism

The light of the Source of life incarnated in fire and its flames is the symbol of Shandarism, of Ofthalmos, its egregore and its stellar synergy. It bears the name of «Triphlogon» or «Triflogon» which can be translated as 3 flames. But it is also called the flame of eternity. The triphlogon exists in 2 forms which are the concrete form and the abstract form.

  • Concrete form of the Triphlogon is a burning fire in an oval fire bowl.
  • Abstract form of the Triphlogon is the drawing of 3 flames in a circle.

The concrete form of the Triphlogon is used in the Hives and Swarm during Shandarian rites and ceremonies of power and energy. The abstract form is used as emblem and flag marking and indicating the belonging to Shandarism of the places and objects on which they are present.


Presence of Triphlogon

When the Triphlogon is present on a flag, engraved on a wall or hung as an emblem, it indicates the belonging of these places to Shandarism. If the triphlogon is present on works (books, videos), it indicates that these works are linked to Shandarism. Finally, dreaming of the triphlogon indicates that the dreamer's consciousness is connected to Ofthalmos, the egregore of Shandarism. In this sense, the triphlogon is a symbol charged with energy which gives it both esoteric and exoteric meaning and power. It connects the soul of its observer to Ofthalmos and can influence his own thoughts, emotions and will. Therefore, the symbol of Shandarism is considered as a door opening consciousness to egregore of Shandarism as well as an active life force that can interact with the minds of people.