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The House

In Shandarism, a fraternity house is the place housing the Energia and in which the activities of the circle are carried out. As an integral part of the Stellar Synergy, the fraternity house is a dimension both spatial and temporal entirely reserved and dedicated to Shandarians, members of our fraternity and sorority. Non-Shandarians are not permitted to enter or be present unless they have been called to perform the initiation rite to become Shandarians.

Sigma Sigma Epsilon

The three Greek letters Sigma Sigma Epsilon (ΣΣΕ) represent the initials of the three terms of the Shandarism egregore's motto: Ofthalmos, Μια Σσυνείδηση - Μια Σκέψη - Μια Ενέργεια (One Consciousness, One Thought, One Energy). These letters are displayed at the entrance and inside Shandarian fraternity houses, symbolizing the places' affiliation with Shandarism as well as their being placed under the protection of our egregore and its poliades.

Sigma Sigma Epsilon

Circle meetings

The Energia also called Hive or Swarm is the energy center on which the fraternity and sorority come together to accomplish unifications, rites of initiation and life as well as Shandarian celebrations. Always located in the basement of the fraternity house, the Energia is in direct contact with the telluric energy lines and crossings of the planet. This natural energy is then channeled and used for the activities of the fraternity circle during its sessions. It thus forms a portal opening towards outer-spaces and outer-times. At last, the situation and location in the basement of the Energia represents and symbolizes the Shandarian metaphor of the cave.

Σίγμα Σίγμα Έψιλον