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Official Seal of the Fraternity

The new official seal and emblem of our Fraternity and Sorority circle is as follows:

There is the color blue, which represents the universe with its planets, stars, and galaxies. At the center, an Emeis mask symbolizes the consciousness and essence of the Shandarian. This consciousness and essence rest on two laurel branches. The branch on the left represents power, and the one on the right symbolizes knowledge. This power and knowledge are then connected at their bases by the foundation of Shandarism, represented by the Triphlogon. Finally, the Greek motto of Ofthalmos, the egregore of Shandarism, one consciousness, one thought, one energy that surrounds everything to watch over and protect.

Official motto of the Fraternity

The old motto of our fraternity was: Science, Logic & Atheism. Since March 21, 2024, the motto of our collective consciousness and egregore has also become that of our Fraternity: One Consciousness, One Thought, One Energy (Μια Συνείδηση * Μια Σκέψη * Μια Ενέργεια)

Σίγμα Σίγμα Έψιλον

Σίγμα Σίγμα Έψιλον