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The Council of guardians

The fraternity is governed by the caste of Archontas. The latter thus forms a council of guardians which is the equivalent of a board of directors. This council is composed of 5 high consciences elected from among the most virtuous of the Archontas. That's to say among the most conscious and lucid, mastering power and knowledge in complete «Maestria». Guardians are the holders and users of essential power linked to consciousness and energy, of substantial power linked to consciousness and matter. Their authority is both psychic and vibrational authority. However, this power and authority is limited to Stellar Synergy activities. The Archontas have no role or influence in stellar guidance or the starway. The Council of guardians sits and governs the fraternity from other locations.

The exercise of power

In Shandarian thought, the word «power» designates both governance linked to substance and the powers of the mind linked to essence, notably telepathy and telepsychia (ability to influence and control minds through thought). These two designations then come together to become one. From then on, only Shandarians with superior telepathic and neurological abilities can access power and govern. In other words, the high consciences of the Archonta caste. Because their psychic abilities give them lucidity and correct knowledge of things allowing them to govern with mastery, science, conscience and intelligence. This is Shandarian psychocracy. From there, the exercise of power is done in a state of full awareness, knowledge and self-control, egotically and emotionally neutral in order to respond to events in a mind of logic and clairvoyance, adapt and manage the situations while remaining within the natural order of the universe (ecologicity) and respecting the laws of the cosmos (lawfulness).

No gurus, prophets or messiahs

Shandarians are an integral part of the collective essence and consciousness. The latter is directly linked to the Source of life and by extension, to the cosmos which is the supreme authority. Therefore, there is no need for an intermediary or representative such as a guru, clergy, prophet or messiah. In Shandarian thought, what is not useful has no reason to exist. Being useless for the collective, there is therefore no clergy or recognition of any prophet or messiah in Shandarism. In order to maintain this provision, Shandarian law formally prohibits the presence, activity and following of any guru, prophet or messiah in the stellar synergy.

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