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Seeking unicity with the cosmos

All the activities of the Fraternity converge towards and are guided by one and the same objective which is that of achieving the purpose of our existence. That's to say unicity with the cosmos, its consciousness, its energy, its being in a state of complete self-realization and eveillance. To do this, we Shandarians follow the starway from incarnation to reincarnation according to the spirit and principles of Shandarism in their strict orthodoxies. Life after life, we learn and progress until we reach the Source of life. There where we will accomplish our apocatastasis with the light to finally transcend ourselves and become one with the cosmos, the Yparxi.

Explorations and experiences of reality

In this progression on the starway, our main activity is the exploration and understanding of existence in its multiple facets through the experience of consciousness. To do this, we use the following instruments of consciousness:

  • Our bodies of incarnation
  • Shandarian trances
  • Lucid dreams
  • Astral travel

Circle Meetings

In order to continue our progression on the starway through experience and the exploration of realities, the circle meets on the Energia in session in order to condition our incarnations through the culture of being. Regenerate our bodies and our energies through the Shandarian practice of unification. Mark and update our life essences and their vibrational energies through Shandarian rites and ceremonies. Give meaning to our existences, actions and accomplishment through Shandarian celebrations.

Sharing and exchanges

We all meet together to discuss, share and exchange our discoveries and experiences in the Shandarian agoras. Through this activity of exchange and sharing, we strengthen our connections between the links of this fraternity and sorority, and progress together in raising our collective consciousness and knowledge, eveillance and vibration.

Σίγμα Σίγμα Έψιλον