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What is Xenos?

In Shandarian thought, the Xenos is both the world of non-Shandarians and the universe with its dimensions, planets, stars and galaxies. It is an experimental environment for life in which the galaxies are the platforms housing the natural laboratories, the planets and their stellar systems are places of incarnation. They thus provide the environment and resources necessary for the manifestation of life, its accomplishment and its flourishing. In this sense, the existence and activity of xenos are fundamental and vital for all lifeforms in the universe, including ours.

The peoples of Xenos

The people of Xenos are also called «non-Shandarians». They are essences of life (souls) incarnated or not in matter and not belonging to stellar Synergy . They live and evolve in the different galaxies, star systems and dimensions of the universe. In Shandarian cosmology, whether we are Shandarian or non-Shandarian, we all come from one and the same source, the Source of life and are all connected together in the psychic and vibrational network that composes the consciousness of the universe: the universal consciousness. In this network, we communicate and exchange information and energy constantly and instantly. All being a part of the light of Source, non-Shandarians are another part of who we are. We cannot reject them without rejecting ourselves. In order to remain in the unity of all our parts and in the completeness of the cosmos, Shandarism integrates and tolerates the peoples of the Xenos in its paradigm of consciousness and reality.

Relationship with the Xenos & its peoples

There is no separation between Stellar Synergy and Xenos. Because the stellar synergy is located in the Xenos. The latter is thus considered as an extension and a continuum of our Synergy. In this sense, the xenos is used by the Shandarians as places and resources necessary for incarnations and the realization of the consciousness experiences of the starway. So, the xenos and its peoples are not perceived or considered as enemy, hostile or dangerous. But fundamentally neutral. Being the extension and continuum of Stellar Synergy, we are in a relationship of openness and not closure, in an unity and not duality with the Xenos and its peoples. Therefore, there is no opposition, conflict or war between Shandarism and this one. However, this doesn't mean that we are in a relationship of peace and love nor that we will welcome non-Shandarians with open arms, but only that there is no rejection or animosity from our side.

Letting the diversity of the universe be

It is both a Shandarian concept and precept in which we recognize that the universe has a diversity of galaxies, stellar systems and lifeforms whose presence and action participate to the flourishing and continuity of all existence. From there, letting the diversity of the universe be allows life to express itself and flourish in its completeness. A state of completeness in which the wheel of existence continues to turn on itself so that all creation can continue to be in eternity. Letting the diversity of the universe be then consists of respecting life in the universe and its various manifestations, starting here on this planet. Because if we already don't respect life on this planet, we will not respect it elsewhere in the universe either. Recalling that it's not up to us to decide who should live or not, what should exist or not, but only the supreme authority of the cosmos.

The universe is vast enough to accommodate the incarnations of the Source and has enough resources to make everyone live in symbiosis and osmosis in the unity of existence. There is no need for conquest, domination, war or plunder of resources between peoples, their planets and stellar systems.