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On the starway duties and prohibitions are part of Shandarian law. Which law is a component of stellar guidance. The aim of the latter is to supervise Shandarian practice so that it remains positive and ecological for the fraternity and all of its members.

The 4 fundamental duties

The 4 fundamental duties define and frame the relationships between the Shandarian, the Stellar Synergy and the starway. These duties then constitute principles which guarantee positive and ecological relations with Shandarism.

  • The 1st duty is Presence: to be in a state of full consciousness and complete lucidity on the starway.
  • The 2nd duty is Actance: practicing Shandarism in its orthodoxy and orthopraxy.
  • The 3rd duty is Servance/Obedience: participating in the services and activities of the collective.
  • The 4th duty is Conservance: preserve and conserve stellar synergy, the seal of secrecy.

The 7 prohibited practices

The 7 prohibited practices are essential (spiritual) prohibitions in order to stay in bliss and Δ luminous from the Source of life. These 7 prohibitions are:

  1. Worship, adoration & devotions
  2. Prayers, supplications and prostrations
  3. Offerings, songs and dances
  4. Blood sacrifices, ritual murders (human and animal)
  5. Self-flagellation and all other bodily mutilations
  6. Consumption of hallucinogenic drugs and alcohol
  7. Ritual rape & sacred prostitution

Hygienic precepts

The goal of these precepts is to enable us to realize the purpose of our incarnation on this planet. In other words, accomplish our Moira.

  • The cleanliness of matter and energy bodies
  • The Mediterranean diet (Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine)
  • Prohibition of tobacco, alcohol and drugs (wine & ambrosia remain authorized)
  • Magnetic eating & drinking
  • Fasting (for metabolism regulation)
  • The practice of calisthenics
  • Little & big regeneration (Relaxation & sleep)
  • Prohibition of committing one or more of the 10 sexual hubris
  • Health checks

The Etiquette

Etiquette is the set of rules of behavior and conduct consistent with the spirit and principles of Shandarism. They thus organize interpersonal interactions as well as the social life of the Fraternity and Sorority.

  • Consciousness & self-control
  • Cosmoethics
  • Telepathic communication
  • Shandarian greetings, politeness and courtesy
  • Proper attire required
  • Decent behavior, posture and gestures
  • Respect for Shandarian customs & traditions
  • Discretion
  • Sense of responsibility