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What is self-realization?

Self-realization is the product of self-accomplishment. It is the state of being in the accomplishment of what we came to incarnate for on this planet. The completion of our Moira, our life mission. This self-realization leads to the awakening of consciousness on a specific subject of existence. Which has the effect of participating in our general evolution towards the higher planes of the cosmos and thus achieving the goal of our existence, our Omega (Ω). As long as we are still alive on this planet, it indicates that we have not yet finished what we came to do; and that therefore we must continue this earthly life. Then once we have completed our moira for this stellar and terrestrial life, we no longer have a reason to stay. So to maintain the balance and harmony of life in the great flow of existence, we are naturally reminded of our higher self through devitalization (death). There where we return to the light of Source in order to continue our existence elsewhere in the cosmos.

The path of realization

The starway and its lifestyle is one of the self-realization paths existing among billions of others in the universe. So, the culture of being puts us in education and in the condition to be able to accomplish and realize ourselves fully. The Xenos is the dimension welcoming the realization of our being while the experience of consciousness is the vector. Thus, it's through this vector that is the experience of consciousness placed under the direction of stellar guidance that we accomplish our moira, this why we came to incarnate in that specific stellar system. In dynamic, we will meet people and experience situations that contribute to this process of accomplishment and self-realization. Unification then allows us to regenerate and metabolize the experiences we have had. The rites update our being with the different evolutionary stages of this stellar incarnation. Finally, celebrations keep us on the right path by reminding us of who we are, why we exist, and why we do what we do.

Succeed in life

In Shandarian thought, life success is not about responding to what our ego and mind dreamed of; even less to what society, capitalism, ideologies, traditions or religions demanded of us. Thus, succeeding in life simply means having completed one's moira, having completely achieved what we came here to do. In this sense, succeeding in life is full self-realization for this present incarnation. Therefore, the important thing is not to have had a happy or unhappy life, ecological (positive) or toxic (negative) life, have suffered or not, but to have lived and completed all the experiences that were included in our incarnation program. Whether these same experiences are perceived as pleasant or unpleasant, easy or difficult, they are all, without exception, essential and important components for our journey of consciousness. Because they give us what we really need to continue our development and evolution of consciousness.