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Concept of secrecy

In Shandarian thought, the secret, Kryptos (Kρυπτός) is information, energy and/or matter inaccessible to consciousness located in a given space-time and vibrational frequency. Due to the fact that it is inaccessible to the mind and therefore beyond its reach, it creates a state of being which is the secret. Thus, secrecy is the result of inaccessibility to this information, energy or matter. The secret is then covered with a veil called «the veil of secrecy». From there, the unveiling of this veil depends directly on our level of vibrational frequency and consciousness. So, when we are on the same frequency as this information-energy-matter and we have the clairvoyance and the right understanding to see clearly and correctly understand what we perceive through our senses, these are revealed quite naturally to us. The invisible then becomes visible and darkness gives way to light. The secret is then revealed to the consciousness of the one who sees and understands what he sees. There are no more secrets for the latter.

The Seal of Secrecy

The secret is hidden under its veil, «the veil of secrecy» which is sealed to it by a seal: the seal of secrecy. This seal is our state of non-lucidity. Because when we are not lucid, we don't see and we don't understand. And when we don't understand, we do not know, we are in ignorance and things then remain hidden and secret to our consciousness and clairvoyance. From then on, only the awakening of consciousness allows us to see and understand what was invisible to our senses and incomprehensible to our mind; and therefore, to open the seal of secrecy, to reveal what was previously veiled to us. Awakening is the key unlocking the seal of secret. On the starway, the Shandarian initiation and its rite open the doors to the awakening of consciousness for us, while the cycle of practice brings us into this state and then incarnates it and so, opens the seal of secret and reveals what lies beneath.

Respecting the seal of secrecy

The secret, its veil and its seal have for one and only reason to exist the preservation of existence, of creation in all its forms as well as of the natural order of things according to the great design of the cosmos. It protects the being against the ignorance, corruption and destruction of the sleeper, the madness of his beliefs and emotions, the desires of his ego and the delusions of his mind. In order to remain in the unicity of existence and the unity of life, it is therefore necessary to respect the seal of secrecy. A respect for secrecy then applies by not giving information or clues that could lead to the awakening of consciousness on a particular subject or breathe the flower of oblivion on one or more discoveries made to the one who is not yet ready to see, understand or accept a truth and a reality larger and fairer than his own. Through this silence, this emptiness and this forgetting of thought, speech and action, we thus preserve what must be preserved. Balance and harmony are then preserved and maintained against any actions and undertakings which would result in poor perception, understanding and use of what is contained under the veil of secrecy.

A secret life

When one follows the starway through the Shandarian lifestyle, there is a double life that naturally takes place. A public life lived in the Xenos through the experience of consciousness, and another secret life lived in the Stellar Synergy as well as in other dimensions and vibrations of the cosmos and realities of consciousness inaccessible to those who do not have access to these. Therefore, it is a hidden and occult life placed not under the veil of secrecy, but behind the veil of secrecy. Public life is the visible face of the stellar incarnation while the secret life is the invisible face. It's from this secret and invisible life that public and visible life can manifest itself. Both are useful, complementary and necessary for the accomplishment of the being, its moira and the flourishing and evolution of its consciousness.