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The Shandarian mindset is a psychic, vibrational and emotional state. The latter defines all the mental and vibrational dispositions, attitudes and perspectives essential and necessary for the Shandarian lifestyle and progression on the starway. The Shandarian mindset is acquired during the completion of the initiation rite and develops gradually as one's presence and progression on the starway.

The personae

The personae defines who we are as Shandarian, consciousness and lifeforce. The latter is directly defined by Shandarian identity through the incarnation of the Vevaiótita (Βεβαιότητα) and of its expressions. It's through it that we know our true roots, values and powers of life, and therefore, have the foundations of strong and solid self-esteem.

Attitude & behavior

The attitude & behavior composing the Shandarian mindset are defined by 8 main elements which are:

  1. Aftoparousía (Αυτοπαρουσία): self-presence to be and stay in the present moment, the momentum on the starway.
  2. Aftopepoíthisi (Αυτοπεποίθηση): self-confidence and in abilities to be able to act and progress on the starway.
  3. Aftokyriarchía (Αυτοκυριαρχία): self-domination (self-mastery) to maintain full control and use of his own thoughts and emotions, volitions and actions.
  4. Aftofysikós (Αυτοφυσικός): be in the self-nature, to be true and authentic to access and be able to use his own knowledge, powers and inner resources.
  5. Aftoánoigma (Αυτοάνοιγμα): be open-minded and energy opened to communicate and interact with his environment.
  6. Aftoarmonía (Αυτοαρμονία): Self-harmony, be in symbiosis and osmosis with his essence and the environment in order to think and act in harmony with nature and laws of the cosmos.
  7. Aftodrási (Αυτοδράση): self-action, taking initiatives guided by the minor guidance (intuition) in order to realize and self-accomplish on the starway.
  8. Efséveia (Ευσέβεια): piety to be and remain under the Δ luminous from the Source of life and maintain his connection with it.

Visions, perspectives

In the Shandarian mindset, the vision and perspective of situations and their developments, but also that of our thoughts and actions undertaken as well as their impacts and consequences are both in the dimension of space and time. We thus have 2 complementary perspectives of each other which are:

  • Spatial perception is Shandarian universalism in which we have a holocentric view of the universe. That's to say that we take into account and integrate into our vision and activity all dimensions as well as planets, stars, galaxies and lifeforms residing there. We are not limited to the human species nor to planet earth.
  • Temporal perspective is Shandarian temporalism in which we take into account in our vision and activities timelines extending up to several hundred, thousands and millions of years. Astral travel as well as OBE (Out-of-Body Experiences) provide the possibility and capacity for time travel from which projects and agendas of this duration can be established.

At last, the fact that we are eternal essences (souls) without time limits of existence and having a natural psychic and vibrational capacity to be present anywhere in the universe, its multiple dimensions and realities allows us to conceive and make possible universalism and temporalism.