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Knowledge is our Guide

In Shandarism, there is no guru, prophet, messiah, clergy or even astral guide to guide us, but an esoteric and exoteric knowledge and understanding of the cosmos proven many times by experience and observation of our collective consciousness and essence. This knowledge is then used as a guide for our thoughts and actions through what is called «Stellar guidance». At last, this guidance is complementary to Shandarian cosmology and its mental map.

The 3 guidances

Stellar guidance is the association and communion between 3 corpus of information directing our thoughts, actions and existence in this stellar life. These 3 guidances are:

  • Great guidance or «major guidance» is based on the cosmic laws (natural laws) and shandarian laws (artificial laws). We follow the laws of the cosmos to govern and ensure our presence and biological life (eating, drinking, sleeping, walking, running, etc.). Shandarian laws are followed to guide our actance and our practice of Shandarism.
  • Medium guidance or «intermediary guidance» is based on the intention of Emeis. We follow this intermediary guidance for the culture of being as well as the accomplishment of Shandarian unifications, rites and celebrations.
  • Small guidance or «minor guidance» is based on our own intuition. We follow our intuition for the experience of consciousness, relationships, communication and exchange with others, interaction with our environment and the Xenos.

The Sphere

The sphere is the symbol of stellar guidance. It is both synonymous with perfection through its geometric form and knowledge through the information used for its creation. However, the latter cannot be venerated or idolized, because practices of veneration and other worships are prohibited and non-existent in Shandarism. The sphere can therefore only be considered as a simple intellectual representation of information, a guide in its meaning and content as well as the materialization of the stellar guidance in its form.