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Shandarism needs its members remain psychologically balanced, intelligent and highly educated, lucid, healthy without financial problems to carry out our activities. Having idiotic and fanatical followers stripped of all their possessions like in a cult would be of no use to us. Thus, being a cult would be counterproductive to our own interests.

Gurus, prophets and messiahs were banned by Shandarian law. Which means that the founder cannot be a guru, since the Shandarians do not recognize or follow any gurus! Reminding us that it is the followers who create their own gurus and not the opposite! If there is no one to follow a guru, the latter is no longer a guru. Just a matter of common sense.

Shandarism has an organization, an authority, a cosmology and practices ordered within a framework well defined by the Shandarian constitutions. Conversely, the New Age is often characterized by its absence of authority and formal organization, it is a syncretism of belief and practice. The reality is that everything opposes Shandarism and New Age.

Light is an important element in the Shandarian paradigm, because it is the presence of the Source, but in no case can it be venerated, as the practice of veneration such as worship and idolatry is strictly prohibited in Shandarism and its laws.

Although Shandarian practices can be perceived as mysterious due to its rituals and its initiatory character, they are all oriented towards the light of the Source and not towards darkness. There is nothing satanic or negative in itself. Except in the imagination of those who believe in it.

It’s precisely the opposite! Shandarians have, through astral travel and consciousness projection, access to multiple realities and dimensions which open up to them knowledge, possibilities and opportunities that sleepers do not have. Thus Shandarians can see and understand what non-Shandarian sleepers do not see, do not know and do not understand. Which gives the latter (non-Shandarian sleepers) the illusion that we are disconnected from reality.

No, the Shandarians do not live apart from the world, since the central practice which is the consciousness experience takes place precisely in the non-Shandarian world, the Xenos. Shandarians mix with non-Shandarians while retaining their identities and cultures without proselytizing or advertising Shandarism.

The Shandarian seeks through his practice unity with life and unicity with the cosmos by following strict rules and a cosmoethic which prohibits using his psi abilities for people, as this would fatally sabotage this search for unity and of unicity. Reading a person's mind or speaking to them in their head through thoughts is not assault or abuse, it's the normal and natural functioning of life in the cosmos.

We do have and feel emotions, but we have the duty and the need to control them so that they do not control us or be used against us. As a result, we can give the illusion of being cold, unfriendly and void of all emotions.

Shandarism has no dogma. This absence of dogma means that there is no absolute truth for us, but a lack of certainty that we must seek through experience and observation. Shandarian cosmology and its mental map are not a dogma nor a doctrine, but a temporary, dynamic and evolving representation of existence subject to updates.

The people who say this are actually the same people who create chaos and want to impose their laws on others. No luck for them, we won't let them do it. And it’s precisely because we don’t let them do what they want with us, that they call us fascist out of spite. Besides, if we were fascist, all our opponents would have been dead a long time ago. If you count yourself among the anti-Shandarians, are you still alive?

No, Shandarism doesn't condemn other religions and is not opposed to them. It simply does not adhere to their beliefs and cults. From there, it lets them exist without worrying about them.