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Existence is the manifestation and expression of the primordial essence of all things, in all times and in all places.

The primordial essence of everythings is a consciousness and energy existing in the absolute called here «the Source of Life» or the star of the cosmos. The number 0, the white light of life and the lemniscate are its numbers and symbols. But it is not God or goddess.

Purpose and meaning of existence are one and the same thing here. The purpose of existence gives the meaning of existence. Thus, the purpose and meaning of existence is that the primordial essence exists in the completeness of its being, in a state of full awareness, knowledge and self-understanding. It is the blossoming and awakening of existence in its entirety.

The Source of life seeks itself in order to exist in its completeness. To do this it is segmented into billions of billions of billions of essence of life consciousness experiencing the different aspects of existence in order to know and understand them. It's the sum total of this knowledge and understanding that allows achieving the goal of existence leading to the awakening of all existence.

Life is the manifestation in the cosmos and universe of primordial essence and energy present and acting in its different forms and expressions. Life gives rise to existence.

The Cosmos is the content of the primordial essence manifested in its state of form and completeness. It is the extension and continuum of the Source of life. However it is not the universe. The flower of life is its representation and symbol. Chaos is the content of primordial essence manifested in its state of formlessness.

The cycle of existence symbolized by the wheel of existence is the repetition of the states of manifestation of existence which are cosmos and chaos.

We are all particles, points of consciousness of the Source of life through which it experiences the different facets of existence to know and understand.

We are the agents of consciousness of the Source of life. It's through our presence and actance that it can know and understand the different aspects of existence in order to achieve the goal of existence. We are born from it at the beginning of each cosmos and return to it at the end.

The universe with its planets, stars and galaxies as well as its different dimensions and reality is a vast field of experience and consciousness in which the different facets of existence can be experienced in order to be known and understood. The universe was synthesized, materialized and organized from the thought and power of the Source of life.

The collective dream of the universe is a collective state of consciousness common to all beings present in the universe. It constitutes the psychic, vibrational and material environment in its senses and perceptions. State in which the creation and experimentation of the different facets of existence is made possible.

In the cycle of existence and its wheel, anapocatastasis is our departure and separation from the Source of life. The apocatastasis is our return and fusion with the latter.

The catabasis succeeds the anapocatastasis, it is our movement of descent into the universe with its planets, stars and galaxies. There where we enter the collective dream of the universe, we lose our lucidity and memory. Anabasis precedes Apocatastasis. It is the movement out of the collective dream of the universe. Movement in which we refind our full lucidity and memory.

Yparxi is the state of transcendence of the Source of life in which we become existence and the cosmos in its entirety. We are all life, consciousness and knowledge of all that is. It is a state of complete unicity with the cosmos. Yparxi is the state of being following Apocatastasis.

The ocean of light is the space and reality of the abodes of light, our true home located in the dimension of the Source of life.