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The shandarian scriptures

Shandarism and its circles of fraternity/sorority have their own scriptures contained in 9 books. The first 3 books (3) are Renaissance, Genesis and the Initiatum. The second 3 books (3+3=6) are the Ataraxia, the Shandariana Dominatis and the Shandariana Sexualis. The last 3 books (3+3+3= 9) are the book of unifications, the book of rites & ceremonies and the book of celebrations. The number 9 books here has a symbolism and an occult and hidden power for the accomplishment of being from this same knowledge. In this sense, the function of these 9 books is to serve as a reference base for Shandarian cosmology, stellar guidance, and as a framework for practice. They thus provide clear guidelines and instructions on the codes, protocols and principles to follow for the starway.

However, these books are not considered holy or sacred, since the concepts of holiness and sacredness do not exist in the shandarian paradigm and reality. Thus, they are rather considered as fundamental books and essential to the practice of Shandarism in its strict orthodoxy.

Scriptural exclusivity

These 9 books constitute the one and only Shandarian scriptures accepted and recognized by our fraternity and sorority. They are exclusive to Shandarism and its circle. In the stellar synergy, its dominion and reality, no other books and scriptures can substitute or surpass one or several of these 9 books. This principle applied by the Council of guardians is called scriptural exclusivity and aims to preserve and transmit Shandarian memory and culture across space and time.
