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In Shandarism and its stellar synergy there are 3 different types of languages used and complementary to each other. These 3 languages are Shandarian telepathy, symbols and metaphors. Thus telepathy allows communication on the psychic and vibrational level, while symbols allow communication on the physical and material level. Metaphors form an intermediate communication between telepathy and symbols. Finally, languages such as Greek, Farsi, Arabic, English, Italian, Spanish, French and others only serve as translation language.

Shandarian Telepathy

Telepathy is the natural ability to communicate mind to mind, vibration to vibration. It is thus considered the universal language understood throughout the cosmos and the traditional language of the Shandarians and the Fraternity. In Shandarism, the latter is used as a language in its own right. From this perspective, these abilities are awakened by the completion of the initiation rite, and its learning and mastery through the culture of being and daily practice. From there, Shandarian telepathy is practiced in 2 forms which are:

I. The vibrational form or «vibrational telepathy»: which is a mind-to-mind communication of thought and emotion. The latter uses 2 possible modes of communication which are:

  • Direct mode: the sender and the receiver are directly in front of each other to communicate.
  • Indirect mode: the sender projects a mental image into the mind of the receiver. This image is then used as a communication interface. This protocol is used when the receiver is unable to tolerate the presence or appearance of the sender.

II. The scriptural form or «scriptural telepathy», also called hieroglyphic telepathy, are ideas and concepts expressed through the writing of particular hieroglyphic symbols. This is a silent language. In other words, telepathic hieroglyphs do not have sound and therefore cannot be pronounced. Only their meanings and meanings are translated and communicated by thought in the form of vibration.


Shandarian symbolism is a symbol system used to convey ideas and concepts, but also to open psychic and vibrational connections as well as channel and use the energies of cosmos in energetical practices. However, they should not be confused with those of scriptural and hieroglyphic telepathy which also uses symbols. But which are quite other than those present and used in Shandarian symbolism. In this sense, these symbols have as their theme the mind, space and nature specific to Shandarian culture. They are thus a reflection of the Shandarian paradigm of consciousness and its cosmology. Each Shandarian symbol has a basic meaning, but which is declined in other meanings depending on the level of awakening of consciousness acquired by the Shandarian on the starway. Together, they form an esoteric and exoteric language on several levels of reading and understanding specific to the Fraternity and Shandarism, of which only Shandarians can translate and know the true, hidden and deep meaning.


In Shandarism, metaphors are powerful tools used to convey both esoteric and exoteric concepts and ideas about existence, life, and the cosmos that are often difficult to explain directly with words. These allow our Fraternity and Sorority to communicate profound ideas and hidden truths in a symbolic and evocative way. Metaphors thus constitute an intermediate level of language and communication between the plane of energy with telepathy and that of matter with symbolism. From this level, they are used by written, oral or mental (telepathic) way in Shandarian cosmology as well as in the performance of Shandarian rites and celebrations. To properly understand Shandarian metaphors, it is necessary to know the entire Shandarian paradigm of consciousness as well as its different levels of meaning. Otherwise, any understanding and translation of these metaphors will be fatally false and erroneous. Only initiation and Shandarian culture allow access to this full knowledge and understanding.