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The manners and customs of Shandarism find their origins in the paradigm of consciousness and its Shandarian cosmology and are then expressed in our minds and materialized by our actions and behaviors. From there, their practices and their recurring repetitions on the timelines make them Shandarian traditions. Here are 4 main Shandarian customs. Click here for the complete list of recorded manners and customs of Shandarism.

Respect for knowledge and power

Respecting the correct esoteric and exoteric knowledge of the cosmos as well as their bearers is a custom and tradition. The true and authentic knowledge of existence wakens and awakens self-awareness. A self-awareness which in turn wakens and awakens the power of life present within us. The awakened soul then becomes a being of knowledge and power. So, the more awake the being is, the stronger and more radiant his corona radiata (aura) is. The stronger and more radiant his corona radiata is, the more he draws trust, respect and obedience into the unconscious. It's a respect that naturally imposes itself upon contact with his lifeforce and radiance. From there, this translates into letting the men and women of knowledge and power pass and serve first. Do not have physical contact with them or be promiscuous towards them. Know how to behave and remain silent in their presence.

Telepathy & mind meld

Telepathy and mental fusion are an integral part of Shandarian manners and customs, it is a fundamental and inseparable element of Shandarian culture and identity. Thus, Shandarian telepathy allows us to open our minds, link our energies and our vibrations to each other in depth, merge our minds thus allowing a connection and a true, authentic and complete relationship between beings. Telepathy transcends all secrets to bring to our consciousness and clairvoyance the pure and essential truth of souls with their true and deep thoughts and intentions. There is no longer any illusion, deception, lie or manipulation possible. Under the light of truth, a constructive, positive and ecological relationship can be established for the benefit of all, in an equitable manner, without any party being harmed or deceived.

Living in unicity and harmony with nature

In Shandarism, it is customary to live in unity and peace with nature, its beings and its life forces (ecologicity), and respect the laws of the cosmos with its cosmoethics (lawfulness). This consists of first being aware of his environment of incarnation and then thinking and acting guided by our minor guidance, our intuition, and not by the force of his emotions, desires of his ego, deliriums of his mental or any ideology. Indeed, intuition comes from our higher self which is in concordance with the nature of existence as well as its physical and incarnatory manifestations. Thus, by following our intuition alone to think, act and be, we naturally and automatically place ourselves in symbiosis and osmosis with nature. From there, we find our true place to live in harmony with nature present both within ourselves and around us. It's from this unity and unicity that we can then exist and act in our full potential in order to self-realize entirely in communion with the cosmos and its flourishing, placed under the luminous Δ of S.O.L.

Stargazing & Astronomy

Observation of the sky and the practice of astronomy are an integral part of Shandarian culture. In this sense, Shandarians have the habit of taking the time and observing the stars in the celestial vault. This activity and custom allows us to maintain our awareness of space and the stars, become familiar with the rest of the cosmos, develop our knowledge of the planets, stars and galaxies as well as grow the mind of unity with the universe. This contemplation invites us to humility and reflection on our own stellar incarnation. We can then realize that we are only a tiny part of an infinitely larger whole, and that every moment spent gazing at the stars is an invitation to explore and discover this universe. There where through this knowledge and understanding, we can think, act and be in symbiosis and osmosis with the rest of the cosmos and its nature.