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What is Shandarian cosmology?

Shandarism has no dogma or doctrine. It is adogmatic by nature. The latter is thus based on a cosmology which replaces any faith in a belief. Shandarian cosmology finds its origin and roots not in theory or imagination, but in the knowledge acquired through observation and experience of consciousness. Shandarian cosmology which includes a cosmogony is a corpus of knowledge relating to existence, its manifestations, creations and evolutions.

Cosmological knowledge

Shandarian cosmology is a corpus of esoteric, exoteric and holoteric knowledge allowing the understanding of:

  • Existence (the cosmos)
  • Source of existence (Source of life)
  • Essence & substance of existence (the soul)
  • Manifestation of existence (the universe)
  • Accomplishment of existence (life in the universe)
  • Evolution of existence
  • Meaning & purpose of existence

Use of cosmology

The function of Shandarian cosmology is to provide the most complete knowledge possible on existence, its manifestations and accomplishments allowing their awareness and understanding. Cosmology is thus employed as a paradigm of consciousness, serving as a mental map that enables orientation and navigation within existence, facilitating the ability to think, act, and exist in harmony with the cosmos. From there, we can realize ourselves in the unity of nature and unicity with the cosmos. Finally, there is no absolute truth in Shandarism. Thus Shandarian cosmology is not a thought frozen in time, but a corpus of dynamic and evolving postulates, subject to updates made by our collective evolution of consciousness. In this sense, cosmology is in constant and perpetual evolution, transformed and improved with the new knowledge acquired and metabolized by our collective consciousness.