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In its culture, Shandarism has its own essential values. An essential value or «core value» is a cosmos' component deeply rooted that marks the existence and actance of Shandarism and its Stellar synergy. These values are considered crucial and vital to the collective and determine our cultural identity.

The 9 main Shandarian values are:

  • Light (white light) is the first value. Here it is the presence of the Source of life, the eternal generator and regenerator of existence. Without it, there is no life or cosmos possible.
  • Essence of life is the second value. It is what makes us intrinsically and makes us exist. Without this essence of life, there is no possible existence of what we are.
  • Energy of life is the third value. It is the fuel and the force that animates us and makes us live. Without this energy of life, we cannot think, act or be in order to realize what we exist for.
  • Consciousness of life is the fourth value. It is the perception and lucidity allowing us to think, act and be. Without consciousness, there is no presence or actance possible.
  • Life is the fifth value. It is the manifestation and expression of existence in its diverse and multiple evolutionary forms. Without life, existence cannot manifest itself to exist.
  • Nature is the sixth value. It is the set of all the lifeforms, their orders and rules of life in the universe. Without nature, the cosmos cannot function as it should.
  • Universe is the seventh value. It is the set of dimensions, planets, stars and galaxies that compose the cosmos. Without the universe, there is no fulfillment of life or existence possible.
  • Knowledge is the eighth value. It is the esoteric, exoteric and holoteric knowledge of existence. Without knowing it, there is no understanding or possible action of the life.
  • Power is the ninth value. It is the ability to think, act and be. Without power, there is no fulfillment or realization of life.

Finally, it is noted that in these 9 essential values: the Essence of life, the Energy of life and the Consciousness of life together form the triad of life allowing our existence. While Knowledge and Power form the dyad of life allowing our actance.