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The permanence of knowledge

In the cycle of existence, all knowledge and information always leave their traces and duplicates in the memory of the cosmos. Nothing is ever destroyed, nothing is ever lost. Everything always exists transposed into other forms and dimensions of existence. Thus the knowledge of Shandarism like all other knowledge cannot be destroyed or lost in absolute terms, because it remains intact and eternal residing in this universal memory of the cosmos. From then on only its content can be forgotten by our incarnations, its physical supports which are the Shandarian scriptures can be destroyed or lost.

Knowledge of life is precious

The knowledge of life and the information it contains are both educations on what we are, life and the universe, instructions on what we must know and do in order to exist and realize ourselves in our completeness. It's from these educations and instructions that we have all the resources necessary for our incarnations as well as their achievements. Without this knowledge, we plunge into ignorance which leads us to misguidedness and hubris. Thus knowledge becomes valuable for our presence and action. The 9 books that compose the Shandarian scriptures are direct access from the physicality of the cosmos to knowledge necessary for our incarnations and achievements of consciousness on the starway. They make information close and available. As a result, the latter are not respected as holy or sacred, but only as having operational and essential (spiritual) value. From there, these scriptures must be preserved in order to maintain this direct access to the knowledge necessary for the Fraternity from our stellar incarnations.

Duty of conservation and transmission

The knowledge contained in the Shandarian scriptures is therefore valuable for our stellar incarnations and realizations. Therefore, these must be preserved across the dimension of space in order to be transmitted across the dimension of time without alteration or perdition. From there, the knowledge of Shandarian scriptures is conservated and transmitted by Shandarian women who have the duty and responsibility under the aegis of Ofthalmos, egregore of Shandarism. Thus the knowledge essential to the starway is conservated by the Despoina, then transmitted during the performance of initiation rites and the culture of being. The welcoming Shandarian becomes the recipient who will incarnate this knowledge and then transcend it and turn it into wisdom. There where the knowledge carried within him merges with his Shandarian identity. He then becomes the bearer and memory of knowledge. However, the Shandarian will only remember the knowledge carried within him when it is necessary to remember it.