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Consideration of the 9 books

In Shandarian thought, the 9 books that constitute the Shandarian scriptures are not considered as holy or sacred. They are not objects of worship or magic books. Thus they are simply considered as utilitarian books and necessary for the practice of Shandarism. In this sense, they contain the knowledge of Shandarian cosmology necessary for the establishment of the Shandarian paradigm of consciousness and mental maps, provide information and instructions for the practice of the culture of being, unifications, Shandarian rites and celebrations. Shandarian laws to follow. The psychic, energetic and sexual practices of Shandarism.

Use of books

Depending on what we need at a moment in our practice on the path of the stars, we will focus our attention on the book rather than on another. From there, you just have to follow logic and common sense.

Shandarian Scriptures
Use of Book
Paradigm of Consciousness
The Initiatum
Experience of Consciousness
The Ataraxia
Know duties, what is licit & illicit
The Initiatum
Culture of Being
Book of unifications
Book of Rituals
Rituals of initiation and life
Shandariana Dominatis
Energetism, rituals of power, psi powers, leadership
Shandariana Sexualis
Stellar sexuality, rituals of energy
Book of Celebrations

Spatial & temporal tables

The spatial and temporal tables are maps and calendars complementary to the 9 books. They indicate where and when to practice the experiences of consciousness, cultures of being, unification, rituals and celebrations. In this sense, simply use the spatial tables to know where to practice and the temporal tables to know when to practice. It's as simple as that. Nothing complicated.