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What are dedicated scriptures? Among the Shandarian scriptures and its 9 books, there are books dedicated to each of the 3 levels and degrees of consciousness composing the starway.

Degree of low consciousness

The degree of low consciousness is the reality of matter. This reality is experienced through the body of incarnation and its 5 senses. In this first level of consciousness and frequency, the dedicated book is number II: Genesis. It provides the exoteric and cosmological knowledge necessary for the achievement of this degree of consciousness.

Degree of medium consciousness

The degree of medium consciousness is the reality of matter-energy. This reality is experienced through the shandarian trances and lucid dreams. In this second level of consciousness and frequency, the dedicated book is number III: The Initiatum. It deepens and complete the cosmological knowledge acquired from the previous degree by giving esoteric knowledge.

Degree of high consciousness

The degree of high consciousness is the reality of energy. This reality is experienced through the astral travel. In this third level of consciousness and frequency, the dedicated book is number VII: the Shandariana Dominatis. It gives the knowledge and power of creation and realization of life through the association of the two exoteric and esoteric knowledge previously acquired. This association then opens the doors to holoteric knowledge.