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James Shandar

The founder of Shandarism

James Shandar is the founding father, creator and architect of Shandarism and the first of all Shandarians. He is the one who is at origin of Shandarism. Everything has started with existential questions that the founder asked himself about the purpose and meaning of life. In search of answers, he studied many Eastern and Western religions, spiritualities and philosophies as well as esotericism, magic and the occult. But having obtained nothing satisfactory, he decided to find the answers by himself through experimentation and observation of reality. One by one, his experiences and discoveries led him to a synthesis of thought, concept and practice that will become Shandarism.

Consideration of the Founder

The founder is only considered for what he is. That's to say the creator, founder and architect of Shandarism. There are no other considerations. In this sense, he is not considered a great master, guru, prophet, messiah, great sage, saint or demigod. No cult of personality is dedicated to him. He is therefore only considered as a Shandarian, a full member of our collective consciousness. From then on, only a reminder to the memory of his image, his work and his spirit is made on March 11 of each year, the day of celebration of the Advent.

Position of the Founder

In Shandarism, the founder has no special or central position. He does not sit on the leadership of the Stellar Synergy. In this sense, he simply has a special status of honorary member due to his special contribution made to Shandarism over all these years. Thus, the founder has no privilege or privilege, nor significant power in the circle. He isn't an icon or symbol of Shandarism. In other words, although he is the founder and first of all Shandarians, he remains a Shandarian among others, a member of the collective essence and consciousness of Shandarism.

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