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1.Human body

The human body is not what we really are, it is simply our receptacle of life. It welcomes and collects our life essence and its energy body. However, this body doesn't belong to us, it belongs to the planet on which it was born. In this sense, even if a human body was procreated and developed inside another human (the mother's uterus), its biochemical composition comes from the elements and nutrients of the terrestrial environment of this planet which we build. Therefore, human body is the property of planet earth.

Man & woman: Being a man or a woman is an incarnation involving a biological (X and Y chromosome), energetic and psychological side. Men and women are complementary in order to ensure the existence and evolution of the human species. But cannot be biologically, energetically or psychologically equal, because their genetic, energetic and psychic structures are very different. And what is different cannot be equal. However, this non-equality doesn't mean that one is superior or better than the other, but only that they are what they are. That's to say they are different in content and complementary in form.

2.Relationship to the body

Our body of incarnation is a conscious and living partner. In this partnership relationship, it gives us the ability to think, act and be in matter in order to realize our Moira. In exchange for this, we must give it what it needs (water, food, physical activities, relaxation-sleep, cleanliness) as well as protect it against external dangers and respect its physiological limits and anatomical integrity.

Transgenderism: If we incarnated in a man's body, it's to live a masculine experience. If we incarnated in a woman's body, it's to live a feminine experience. This had already been decided before coming to incarnate. Therefore, we must respect this choice and embrace it to the end in order to accomplish what we came to do on this planet. We cannot change our minds or go against this decision without creating psychological, biological and energetic damages altering the incarnation and sabotaging the achievement of moira

3.Suicide & Euthanasia

Suicide and Euthanasia are prohibited by Shandarian laws, because this puts an end to the accomplishment of Moira which remains unfinished. This has the effect of blocking the evolution of consciousness, because it is incomplete in its accomplishment. But also to deprive other consciousnesses in connection with it of the benefits and results of this accomplishment which has not been completed.


In Shandarism, corpses are not sacred, but considered biological waste, because they no longer have any use for the incarnation of the being. According to Shandarian tradition and custom, the corpses must be brought back into the unicity of the cosmos in a state of stardust and then be reabsorbed into their stellar environments.

The autopsy of corpses: Since corpses are not sacred or untouchable, their autopsies and studies pose no problem in Shandarism and the collective.