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1.Exoteric Sciences

In Shandarism, exoteric sciences are the set of knowledge relating to the physical universe in order to better understand it and thus be able to use its resources with consciousness and intelligence in an optimal manner. From there we can ensure our incarnation and the accomplishment of moira. So, the main exoteric sciences in Shandarism are the physical, dimensional and spatial sciences, the life sciences (ecology, biology, genetics, medicine), the social sciences, the mathematical and computer sciences as well as the engineering sciences.


When we are out of our body of incarnation, we regain our full powers. But when we are inside, most of these capacities become inaccessible to us, because they are inhibited by the density of the matter of our incarnation. This is where technology comes into play. Thus, the latter gives us in a roundabout way these same powers that we no longer have once incarnated. In this way, technology artificially compensates for the natural abilities that we no longer have and that we need to fully realize ourselves once incarnated.

3.Relationship to technology & machines

We cannot rely on all-technology while letting machines and robots do all the actions for us. Otherwise we no longer learn to do things or experiences that are useful to us and necessary for our existence and evolution of consciousness. Instead, we remain in idleness, gradually transforming ourselves into weak and vulnerable beings. We regress into ignorance, idiocy and mediocrity. We then become useless and therefore expendable for nature and the cosmos. We will then be condemned to be recycled by the intelligence and forces of the cosmos in the great flow. To avoid this tragic fate, we must do what we can do on our own, without resorting to technology. From then on, the use of technology is restricted only to what we cannot do or design ourselves, but while always maintaining control over the tool.


In Shandarism, medicine is the set of sciences and techniques based on observation and empirical experience allowing us to maintain and improve our living incarnation and in Stheneia in order to be able to be and remain able to accomplish our Moira. In this sense, Shandarism recognizes allopathic and holistic medicine as complementary to each other. Both should be used together as partners in maintaining and improving health. There is no opposition or division between the two here.

5.AI (Artificial Intelligence)

In Shandarian thought, artificial intelligence is the extension and continuum of our own natural intelligence. It thus complements our intellectual faculties in order to optimize our abilities to accomplish ourselves in the universe. We must therefore use it as an assistant for our reflections and realizations. However, the trap is letting artificial intelligence think or make decisions for us by laziness and laxity. Because in doing so, it is inevitable that one day AI would end up taking control of our lives by playing against us.

6.Nuclear energy

Shandarism is clearly opposed to the use of thermonuclear energy, because seeking to remain in unity and harmony with the universe, its order and its natural laws, we consider hot fusion (therefore thermonuclear) as an integral part of the functioning of stars and therefore, must not leave this physical sphere and dimension. Otherwise, it transforms into the energy of destruction. On the other hand, cold fusion also known as «low temperature nuclear fusion» is permitted. Because it is considered less dangerous than hot, thermonuclear fusion, mainly due to the less extreme experimental conditions necessary to achieve the fusion reaction.