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1.The Xenos

The Xenos is both the world of non-Shandarians and the universe with its planets, stars and galaxies. It's billions of billions of billions of spaces and dimensions all inhabited by various life forms. In this sense, the Xenos is a stellar and universal ecosystem in which living beings interact and evolve together through different relationships and situations. Therefore, the Xenos is considered the place of accomplishment of our incarnations. It is thus the place of all of our consciousness' experiences. Everyone has the right to live, realize themselves and evolve in the Xenos. There or through his actions undertaken, he participates in the flourishing and continuity of entire existence.


Composing the peoples of the Xenos, the non-Shandarians are the life essences (souls) which are not part of our collective essence, but which constitute another part of what we are in the absolute. Ultimately, there is no separation between Shandarian and non-Shandarian, the reality is that we are connected to communicate and interact together on a psychic and vibrational level. In this sense, non-Shandarians are not seen as enemies, but as incarnation partners with whom we interact in order to enable the evolution of consciousness of all. To do this, Shandarians are free to mix with, work, help, create links, have sexual relations or children with non-Shandarians.


Located in the Xenos, civilization is the structure and platform for reception, organization, resources and enterprise of our incarnations. Depending on what we must experience and do, we will incarnate in a civilization adapted to our needs located in a specific stellar system, dimension and time of the universe. Thus, civilization is not only a set of social and cultural structures, but also an essential (spiritual) tool that facilitates the evolution and flourishing of life essences throughout the universe. There are no good or bad civilizations in the cosmos, all have their own specificities. The universe is vast enough to accommodate the existence of all civilizations and societies. Each civilization and society in the universe has a reason for being for the incarnations that we create and for the essences of life that will come to incarnate after. In order to maintain the natural order of existence, we must respect the integrity of civilizations, societies and the people who created them.

Archaeological Sites: In Shandarian thought, archaeological centers and sites are places containing ancient knowledge which may be completely unknown to us and which potentially can be used for our own evolution of consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to conserve and protect archaeological sites in order to keep their buried knowledge and memories available and accessible.

4.Barbarians & civilized

The barbarian or Agrios (Αγριος) translated as «savage» is the name given to beings and people who are unconscious and ignorant of the laws of the cosmos and nature. Having no self-control and also not having developed their own natural telepathic abilities. As a result, the barbarian is mentally weak. A psychic weakness that makes him easily prone to being dominated by his own primal thoughts and emotions, pushing him to behave with blindness, violence and stupidity. A behavior that characterizes the barbarian, the savage. But also being under the influence of an entity having superior science, consciousness and intelligence, self-control and developed psi powers. They can thus easily manipulate barbarians without the latter being aware of it and against whom they are defenseless. Finally, you should know that a barbarian is not necessarily a non-Shandarian. Shandarian can also regress on the starway to become again a barbarian.

The civilized or Politismenos (Πολιτισμένος) is the name given to beings and people who are in the state of complete lucidity, continuous and permanent full consciousness. They have awareness of their own thoughts, emotional state and a complete self-control. The vivid memory of their past existences and incarnations. Correct knowledge of things through experience and not through belief. Telepathic beings thinking and acting according to the laws of the universe. Freed from submission and slavery to parasitic entities or incarnated consciousnesses.

5.Neutralism, contagonism & antagonism

Neutralism is all non-Shandarians in a neutral position towards Shandarism. Contagonism is all non-Shandarians in a positive position towards Shandarism. This positive position means that they are in agreement with the stellar synergy. Which produces pro-Shandarians. Antagonism is all non-Shandarians in a negative position towards Shandarism. This negative position means that they are at odds with stellar synergy. These antagonistic non-Shandarians become anti-Shandarians.

Shandarophobia: Shandarophobia is the fear of Shandarism. This fear is specific to sleepers. To barbarians more specifically. Because being unawakened, they do not see and therefore do not know what stellar synergy really is. They don't have the experience. As a result, Shandarophobes are ignorant and unfamiliar with Shandarism. Which then give way to beliefs and negative imagination. This then becomes a fertile ground for the emergence of fear with all the toxic and destructive consequences that this brings.