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1.Planet earth

In Shandarian cosmology, planet Earth is considered both as a conscious, living organism and an organ of its stellar system. In other words, Solaria, the solar system. From there, this planet exists and interacts in symbiosis and osmosis with the rest of Solaria. Earth thus contributes to correct functioning and continuity of the latter. If tomorrow this planet were to become devitalized to become a sterile stone floating in space, the entire rest of its stellar system would be affected and altered. An alteration which would threaten its existence as well as its abilities to ensure its essential function for incarnations and evolution of consciousness. It is therefore necessary to preserve this planet intact and healthy for the rest of the solar system.


The species of planet Earth constitute the biological extension and continuum of the latter. It's through their activities that they support life of this planet, make progress its information and its energy. So that they can continue to do their work and thus keep this planet alive, we must not interfere in their actions, respect their physical integrity, their natural habitats and vital spaces as well as the resources necessary for their subsistence and accomplishments.

3.The planet’s resources

Planet Earth naturally and freely offers us resources so that we can incarnate and accomplish our moira. In exchange, we must use its resources with science, conscience and intelligence to improve the existence of the planet. In this sense, we must only take the resources necessary for our existence and action within the framework of the accomplishment of our Moira and incarnations and thus bring to the planet new information and energy which contribute to its well-being, improvement and evolution. Which implies refraining from taking resources that are not useful to life and its fulfillment, and therefore, not taking resources to satisfy the desires of the ego (profit, wealth, prestige, etc.) and delusions of the mind (dreams, ideologies, etc.). Consumerism has no place here.

4.Relationship to nature

In order to be able to incarnate ourselves on this planet and achieve what we came here to do, a life in symbiosis with the nature of the planet in an ecological relationship is essential. Our activities, cities and civilizations must be in harmony with nature and become one with the planet's ecosystem. When there is symbiosis and harmony, there is no more pollution or destruction. Let us remember that it is necessary to leave the planet intact and healthy for future incarnations, whether ours or other beings. Otherwise we will deprive this region of the universe which is a giga-mega living organism of the development necessary for its well-being and its future existence.