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1.Human reproduction

Human reproduction, which can be natural by in vivo fertilization through sexual intercourse or artificial by in vitro fertilization, allows the existential continuity of the species on a biological and temporal level, as well as providing a new life receptacle for the consciousnesses coming to incarnate or reincarnate on the essential (spiritual) and vibrational level. However, this reproduction must be done with science, consciousness and intelligence in order to remain in balance and ecological harmony of nature and the universe.

2. Sexual & biological purity

In Shandarian thought, men and women are considered sexually and biologically pure when they are free of all STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). And conversely, they are considered sexually impure when they carry it. In this sense, purity and impurity is not associated with a question of virginity.


Giving birth is not a duty or obligation in Shandarism. If it is written in the incarnation program of a woman, that she must give birth, she will give birth, otherwise not. We must therefore respect the natural order of events and incarnations in order to remain in the unicity of the cosmos. So being a nulligest or nulliparous woman doesn't pose a problem for the collective.

Mixing & hybridization: In Shandarian thought, mixing is necessary for the survival of a biological species. Because this process provides new genetic information contributing to its improvement and evolution. It thus strengthens resilience to diseases and environmental changes, promotes the emergence of advantageous traits. It strengthens the capacity of the species to exist in the timelines. Hybridization is the extension and continuum of this process of mixing.

4.Fecundity, fertility & sterility

In Shandarian thought, fecundity is associated with the feminine body and energy while fertility is associated with the masculine body and energy. Fecundity and fertility is a biological and energetic state of being that opens the energy of creation. Conversely, infecundity and infertility is the biological and energetic state of being that shuts down the energy of creation. Infecundity and infertility become a problem to be solved only if it threatens the existential and evolutionary continuity of the biological species in which one incarnates. Ego desires and socio-traditional norms do not come into play here.

The Scarlet Woman: The scarlet woman is the woman who has her emmenia. That's to say her menstruation. During this period, she must perform the fertility rite, the Anáktisi and make energetic protections. Finally, she must abstain from any sexual relations so as not to interfere in the ktéis cycle, even if her body screams otherwise. In Shandarism, the scarlet woman is not considered impure, unless her menstruation carries STDs.

5. The âbestani

The âbestani is pregnancy. It is the momentum when the Shandarian woman carries within herself the incarnation or reincarnation of a new consciousness. In other words, âbestani is the path of reincarnation of consciousnesses on the physical plane of the cosmos. In Shandarism, we have the duty to let the pregnant woman carry her pregnancy to term so that the new consciousness can fully reincarnate and thus fulfill its own Moira. Shandarian women in abestani are exempt from practicing unification but must perform the fertility rite once a month for the following 9 months in order to strengthen their vibrational states and immune systems.

Surrogacy: Surrogate mothers are women who carry and give birth to a child for a couple or individual who cannot conceive or carry a child on their own. As a result, they are considered assistants in procreation and maturation of the biological envelope necessary for the incarnation of one or more consciousnesses. Shandarism allows the use of surrogate mothers and Surrogacy.

6. Katevnasmós & Orgasmic emergence into daylight

In Shandarian thought, it is not necessary to suffer during the emergence into daylight. That's to say during childbirth. Therefore, this moment is converted either into a painless childbirth through the Katevnasmós, or into orgasmic emergence into daylight or orgasmic birth by mental and energetic techniques applied at the time of childbirth.

7.Contraception & Abortion

Contraception is a key closing the door to procreation by simulating a state of temporary infertility. Which has the effect of blocking the action of the creative and procreative powers of the cosmos, and therefore of regulating the number of incarnations and reincarnations on a planet and thus avoiding demographic and ecological problems.

In Shandarian thought, there are 2 forms of abortion, one natural and the other artificial. Natural abortion is miscarriage while artificial abortion is the consequence of a voluntary termination of pregnancy. Which puts an end to the incarnation of consciousness. Abortion is tolerated here, because if a consciousness only needs to experience something in the fetal state, it will not pass the threshold of its emergence into daylight and will go into a miscarriage or into a artificial abortion.