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1.Space & Astronomy

Space is the objectified shaping of the memory of the cosmos. This shaping is embodied in a conscious, living and intelligent organism transforming and evolving driven by the presence and actance of all the lifeforces, consciousnesses and intelligences.

Astronomy is the first step towards spatial presence and activity. It allows us to know and understand through observation what the universe is with its planets, stars and galaxies.

2.Presence & space activities

Space is a cold and hostile environment. This is a fact that cannot be denied. Now if you experience the dangers of space or you have space sickness, it simply means that you are not adapted to its environment psychologically, biologically and technologically. This presence and space activities must be in concordance with the natural order of the universe and the laws of the cosmos in order to be adapted to space and its various elements and thus avoid putting oneself in unnecessary danger on the one hand, and be able to think, act and be fully in symbiosis in this space environment on the other.

Colonization and domination of space: Colonization like the domination of space is heresy and nonsense. Because no civilization in the universe, however advanced, can dominate space. Because to dominate space is to have total knowledge, understanding and absolute control of all the laws and mechanics of spatial and dimensional physics. Which is impossible to do, even for a civilization millions of years old. On the other hand, space colonization and domination would amount to interfering and therefore corrupting the integrity of the stars and hindering their proper functioning to ultimately threaten their existence, functions and actions necessary for the very homeostasis of the universe.

3.Concept of terrestrial & extraterrestrial

In Shandarian thought, anything whose origin is endogenous to planet earth (Gaia): its structure, its dimensions, its consciousness, its energy field, its memory, its energetic matter and its biological continuum is defined as terrestrial. In contrast, any thing whose origin is exogenous to this same planet is defined as extraterrestrial: space, dimensions, stellar bodies (planet, stars, galaxy, black hole, asteroid, nebula, etc.) as well as life forms present. Xenos encompasses both the terrestrial and the extraterrestrial.

Extraterrestrial life: In Shandarian thought and cosmology, life is present everywhere in the universe. It is simply hidden from the sleeper's view. Its expressions and manifestations as forms of life are considered only for what they are. That's to say life forms following their activities and agendas according to their own histories and paradigms of consciousness at different stages of evolution. There is no value judgment here of good or bad, of good alien or bad alien.

4.Status of Planet Earth

Planet Earth is not the property of humans and their civilizations, but the property of its stellar system to which it belongs. In this sense, this planet is a conscious and living organ of the solar system which has a role to play in the proper functioning of this stellar system. The human species are here only the biological extension and continuum of this planet. Thus we observe that the human species are the property of this planet earth and not the opposite!

Exogenous presence: Planet Earth is an opened planet and not a closed planet. Which means that beings from other stellar systems, galaxies or dimensions have every right to come and transit or stay there. The presence of alien aircraft cannot be a violation of any airspace of a human civilization or nation, since this planet is not property of humans