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1.Shandarian Law

Shandarian law is a set of rules and norms aimed at organizing Shandarian life and practice in an ecological, constructive and functional way in symbiosis with the universe, its laws and its natural order. Shandarian law has its origins in 2 direct sources that are complementary to each other, which are the cosmos and Emeis. The Cosmos provides the natural and implicit laws of the universe. Emeis, the Collective Consciousness provides the artificial and explicit laws of the starway complementary to the natural laws of the universe.

2.Concept of justice

In Shandarian thought, justice is what is right. That's to say what conforms to the natural order of life and the laws of the universe generating a harmonic, symbiotic and ecological relationship between all beings, planets, stars and galaxies. There where existence and life can fully express themselves to flourish in their completeness. It does not follow the desires of the ego, the delusions of the mind or the beliefs, values and dogmas of any particular philosophy, religion or ideology.

3.Stellar Justice

Stellar justice or «Shandarian justice» is to make and maintain things fair, orderly and harmonious in order to keep the homeostasis necessary for the continuity of life in the universe and its flourishing. In this sense, Shandarian justice seeks functional balance and harmony with the cosmos, its life and its manifestations as well as its regulation when there is imbalance.


In Shandarism, morality with its Manichaean good and evil does not exist. There is no good or bad thought and action in itself. Therefore, sin which is a transgression against morality and its laws also does not exist. On the other hand, there is hubris which is the set of thoughts, emotions, mental attitudes and behaviors in discordance with a given situation. Which may or may not produce kesh depending on the circumstances. The Source of hubris is a lack of awareness, knowledge, logic and self-control.

The regulation of the hubris effects: when hubris causes negative, toxic and destructive effects on life, beings as well as their accomplishments and developments, justice regenerates what is been altered or even destroyed to regain the homeostasis necessary for the continuation of life and its accomplishment. The people responsible for the hubris are then fully integrated into this regeneration process.

5.Psychological & corporal punishments

Psychological and corporal punishments don't exist in the Shandarian paradigm of consciousness. Because sharing one and the same collective consciousness and energy, punishing and chastising one of our own amounts to punishing and chastising the rest of the collective. Our awakening of consciousness will then systematically make us feel, take in and understand the suffering inflicted on others. Which has the effect of creating mental and energetic disturbances sabotaging the continuity of experiences and realizations of things necessary for the continued evolution of consciousness. Finally, there is no criminal law in Shandarism, since stellar justice is not based on crimes and punishment of crimes, but on the search for functional and harmonious balance with the cosmos, its life and its manifestations. as well as its regulation and regeneration when there is imbalance and alteration.

6.The death penalty

Death does not exist in the Shandarian psyche, it is only virtuality. Because what disappears is not what we are, but only our physical vehicle, our body of incarnation. What is the point of condemning people to death since what they are in reality, their essence of life will continue to exist afterwards? It will simply go and live elsewhere in the cosmos to continue its evolution of consciousness. Thus, the very idea of punishing by death is not only unnecessary but also devoid of logic. For that, the death penalty does not exist in Shandarism.

7. Cosmoethics

Cosmoethics is ethics arising from the natural order of the universe (ecologicity) and the laws of the cosmos (lawfulness). Its function is to be the common thread of alignment and symbiosis between us and existence, the supreme authority and the laws of the cosmos. This ensures the existential continuity of all of us. Cosmoethics is neutral. It does not take sides with any particular ideology, philosophy, spirituality, religion, community, race, society or civilization. In this sense, it's not cosmoethics which adheres to our paradigm of consciousness, but our paradigm of consciousness which adheres to cosmoethics.