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1.Leisure & entertainment

Originally, leisure is free time for rest and relaxation that a person has outside of their professional, family or social obligations. As for entertainment, they aim to entertain by temporarily diverting attention and the mind from mental load, daily concerns and sources of stress in order to maintain a psychic, emotional and biological balance necessary for incarnation. They thus participate in keeping mental and physical health in order to be able to achieve our Moira over time. In this sense, Shandarism recognizes the usefulness of leisure and entertainment, but these activities must be consistent with Shandarian principles and values.

2.Entertainment Trap

Today in the West, we are in a society of excessive entertainment which hypnotizes the masses to keep them in a state of intellectual stupefaction and cultural impoverishment. They thus distract millions of incarnated consciousnesses from realizing what they were supposed to accomplish by coming here, on this planet. This entertainment society is therefore a trap preventing us from accomplishing our incarnation program on the 3rd planet (earth) of this star system (solar system). So, it is recommended to use these leisure and entertainment activities with awareness and discernment, self-control and moderation.

3.Ecological & toxic leisure & entertainment

There are leisure activities that can be either ecological or toxic for consciousness and incarnation. Ecological leisure and entertainment are those leisure activities that maintain incarnation and enrich consciousness. This includes sports and physical activities, cultural and artistic activities, games and educational and positive entertainment as well as travel and tourism. Conversely, toxic leisure and entertainment are activities that lower the vibrational frequency, are a source of conscience asleeping, intellectual stupefaction, stress, fear and violence. Their types vary according to the sensitivity, education, values ​​and beliefs of each person.

4.Books, films & music

In Shandarism, it is allowed to read books, watch films and listen to music as long as these works do not produce toxic thoughts and emotions; doesn't lower the vibrational frequency of its energy bodies; doesn't encourage limiting, altering or destroying life and its expressions (assault, rape, murder, etc); doesn't encourage contravention of the laws and natural order of the cosmos; doesn't encourage betrayal of the collective conscience and the circle; turn away from the starway and accomplishment of the Moira.

Recommended Movies: There are recommended movies in Shandarism, click here to see the list of these movies.

Horror films: Shandarism does not formally prohibit watching horror films. But only recommends in Apópseis to watch them with discernment and moderation in order to avoid an impregnation in the unconscious too deep or avoid looking at them if you have great creditworthiness and/or if you are a hypersensitive person.

5.Leisure & entertainment to avoid

There are hobbies and entertainments to avoid because of their toxic and destructive effects on consciousness, its balance and its capacity to self-realize and thus achieve its moira. These hobbies and entertainments to avoid are any activity that endangers the incarnation. But also all activities which vary according to the sensitivity of the person contribute to the falling asleep of consciousness, stupefying the intellect, are generators of kesh thought and emotion and connect the life essence to toxic egregores and entities.