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1. Social Relations

In the Shandarian paradigm of consciousness, social relations are both psychic and vibrational connections between incarnated consciousnesses located in a society and civilization of the universe. Their functions are to communicate and exchange information and energy serving as resources for the existence of all incarnations, as well as for their achievements, realizations and evolution.

Friends:: Friends are incarnated or non-incarnated consciousnesses with whom psychic, emotional and vibrational links are created. Through these links and their presences, they participate in the common experiences of consciousness and accomplishments of moira. Then once their functions have come to an end, they naturally move away from us to go on their own evolutionary lines of consciousness.

Individuals to avoid: In Shandarism, there are people to avoid who are: 1) People without values, without words or ethics. 2) Toxic and negative people. 3) Thieves and rapists. 4) Violent and unstable people 5) People addicted to alcohol and drugs. 6) People under the influence of kesh creatures and 7) Anti-Shandarians.

2.Attitudes & Behaviors

During this incarnation, it is necessary to think, act and be in congruence with what one truly is on an inner level to oneself, but also with our environment on the outer level. To do this, minor guidance or intuition allows us to know what to do and when to do it. In this way we remain in harmony and unity with existence, life and the universe in an applied cosmoethics.

3. Helping and supporting life

In social relations, the action of helping and supporting life is a primordial and essential necessity. Because it allows us to maintain and sustain the existence of our incarnations, actions and achievements necessary for our evolution of consciousness towards the S.O.L, but also to participate in the blossoming of the flower of life. These actions of helping and supporting life consist in an enterprise of creation and improvement of life through experience and observation. They thus concern the construction and evolution of the essences of life, their consciousnesses as well as the genetics of their biological receptacles while respecting the natural order of life, the universe and the laws of the cosmos.

Altruism: Altruism is both a functional and evolutionary issue. Indeed, whether we are Shandarian or non-Shandarian, we are all cells of the same consciousness and greater essence of life. By helping others, we help other parts of ourselves to rise. Which has the consequence of accelerating our own evolution towards the higher planes of the cosmos. When there is altruistic help of Shandarian origin, we give a helping hand, then we leave immediately without asking for our rest. In other words, we do not stay there in search of ego gratification. This to avoid any prolonged presence that could influence in a toxic and negative way the accomplishment of incarnated people.

4. Families & couples, children

In Shandarism, we have 2 families which are the collective essence which is our soul family and the incarnation family which is the family in which we incarnate. Sometimes the 2 families are one, sometimes not. The collective essence is the psychic and vibrational structure and plateform of our life essences and consciousnesses presence, it provides the environment and resources for our essential (spiritual) existence. The incarnation family is the structure of insertion of our incarnations in society and civilization. It provides the bases of socialization, ensures stability and security, forms personal identity, and helps navigate social changes. It provides the bases for the accomplishment of the Moira. In this sense, the 2 families are not sacred, but essential for our reason for being. We must not reject them. Otherwise we deprive ourselves of fundamental resources for our presence, accomplishment and evolution.

The couple is composed of two incarnations connected and linked by a psychic and vibratory link. Together, they form a basic mental and energetic unit that fulfills essential functions for the incarnation on the psychological, social and anthropological levels. On the psychological level, it offers support, security and personal development. Socially, it contributes to the cohesion and stability of society by forming family units and socializing children. Anthropologically, it ensures reproduction, cultural transmission and the adaptation of social structures. On the essential level, the couple is an experiential unit for consciousness, its accomplishment and its development. The true couple has as base the mental fusion between the 2 essences and consciousnesses that compose it. Thus, if there is no mental fusion and deep telepathic connection, it's not considered a true couple.

Formation of couples: We must follow the natural course of events without interfering. Thus, if 2 people must meet and then become a couple, their higher selves will naturally agree for their meeting and the couple to form by force of circumstances. Therefore, we have no need to intervene to form couples by playing cupids.

Parent-Child: In Shandarian thought, parent, child, grandparent, grandchildren are only roles of incarnation that we play in the great theater of the universe. They follow a mutual soul contract so that each essence involved can accomplish its moira. Then once back in the light, the contract comes to an end, each recovers its true place and relationships in the cosmos. Thus, children are consciences incarnated with the biological envelopes procreated by the parents. Which then provide a home, an education, emotional and social bonds so that the incarnated consciousness can accomplish its moira within the framework of this soul contract.

5. marriage & divorce

In Shandarism, marriage, called here alliance, is achieved through the alliance rite. However, the latter is not an obligation, because everything depends on the incarnation program. So, if your incarnation program provides for the sealing of an alliance, then there will be one. Otherwise, there simply will not be one! On the starway, there are 2 types of alliance according to their temporalities which are permanent alliances and temporary alliances. The dowry like the honeymoon does not exist in Shandarism. Plural alliances (polygamy and polyandry), consanguineous and child alliances are strictly prohibited by Shandarian law. Divorce, called here disalliance, is practiced through the act of disalliance and can only be accomplished through the reverse alliance rite. However, divorce only concerns permanent alliances. Indeed, temporary alliances expire by themselves at the end of the duration predefined by the couple. Therefore, there is no need for divorce in temporary alliances.

Widowhood: The widowed Shandarian must observe a period of widowhood so that he or she can accomplish the liberation and the complete detachment both psychologically and emotionally from the psychic and vibrational ties that attached the latter to his/her former deceased husband/wife. There is no fixed duration for the period of widowhood. The latter will last only as long as it takes the widower or widow to completely free himself/herself from these old psychic and vibrational ties. The practice of widowhood and its period of widowhood begins after the restitution of the body to the universe. During this period, the widower or widow is completely exempt from Shandarian practices so that he or she can fully devote himself/herself to this liberation. There is no particular color of clothing to wear, no particular ablutions to perform or specific dietary practices to observe during this period. Finally, this period of widowhood will end when the widower/widow is completely freed from his/her former ties and able to continue incarnation.

Orphan & adoption: In Shandarism, Shandarian children whose parents have died are taken care of and protected by the collective. Adoption is also authorized in Shandarism.

6. Male-female mixing

In Shandarism, men and women do not mix. They are separated in order to preserve their identities, their respective masculinities and femininities. In this way, men must remain with men and women with women. Man and woman mix only when they are with family or during assemblies and common activities of the circle.

7. Freedom & Slavery

In Shandarian thought, freedom is important because it creates a space and a dimension that allows us to live and accomplish our Moira. It is therefore not a question of belief or humanist value, but a physiological and essential (spiritual) necessity. However, this freedom is in reality quite relative. Because it is conditioned by our physiological limitations (fatigue, hunger, thirst, etc.), the application of the laws of physics (the natural action of gravity on our bodies, etc.), the education received and social rules as well as by our own incarnation program. In this sense, freedom does not mean «being free to do what we want», but being free to do what we must do to realize ourselves and accomplish ourselves according to our Moira.

Free-will: Like freedom, free-will also does not mean doing what we want, but being free to arbitrate and therefore to choose between 2 or more choices presented to us according to what is programmed for this incarnation. Doing what we want is being a prisoner and slave to the desires of the ego by illusorily believing that we are free.