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1.The universe encourages action

The universe encourages action so that life can manifest in its flourishing. Being a component of the universe, this phenomenon also concerns us. In order to remain in unicity with the cosmos, it is therefore appropriate to follow this encouragement and act to exist and realize ourselves. In this sense, laziness and procrastination are ways to banish, because they hinder and cancel this action necessary for life and its accomplishment.

2.Incarnatory activities

When we incarnate in the universe, on a planet of a stellar system, here the planet Gaia (the earth) of Solaria (the solar system), we carry out activities there. These activities are called «Incarnatory Activities» because they are made in the framework of our incarnation on this planet. On the starway, there are 2 types of incarnatory activities which are survival activities whose goal is to ensure our physical survival in this universe in order to then be able to realize ourselves. This includes work, leisure and relaxation activities in order to maintain the necessary physiological balance of our incarnation. Then comes the activities of accomplishment, of which the aim is to realize our Moira, what we came to incarnate for.

3.Active meaning and purpose

In Shandarian thought, everything we do and undertake has an active meaning and purpose. There is no such thing as a thought or action that is useless or meaningless. Everything that happens has a reason for being in the universe serving the flourishing and continuity of existence. In this sense, all our thoughts and actions participate in both the existence and maintenance of our own incarnation as well as the realization of our moira, which is our true purpose in the universe. There where we can flourish to progress towards the higher planes of the cosmos.

4.Working for the cosmos

In the Shandarian paradigm of consciousness, we never work for ourselves, the desires of our ego or the delusions of our mind. We never work to serve external or foreign interests to ours. We only work to serve the cosmos. Thus, through our presence and actance, we participate in the improvement and evolution of life in the universe and of the universe. Being ourselves active components, cells of the cosmos, the benefits of this work are diffused (and not shared) throughout its structure like a wave and finally return to us. We thus reap the benefits of our work at the same time as everybody else in the universe.

Excellence & Mediocrity: Nature always seeks to express its full potential, to realize and flourish in its entirety and to be able to simply continue to exist. This search will then push it to strive for what is best and leaving the worst behind. From there, this search for the best pushes nature towards excellence. And therefore by contrast, to move away from mediocrity. Nature is present in us. It is what we intrinsically are. Also seeking to express its full potential, it also tends towards this excellence. There where we can continue to truly exist. Thus, excellence is not intended to glorify the ego and pride in a search for self-satisfaction and childish pleasure. But to push us to express our full potential to exist in our completeness.

6.Prohibited activities

In Shandarism, there are 6 main prohibited activities of society and civilization which are 1) Activities and businesses destroying the planet's ecosystem. 2) Hunting and fishing for sport or pleasure . 3) Slavery and trade in living beings (animals, humans). 4) Prostitution or pimping. 5) Arms trade or trafficking. 6) Deal of drugs, medicine or alcohol. All these activities are prohibited, because they sabotage and destroy the incarnations and accomplishment of consciousness.