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1.Security and Defense

When we incarnate on this planet, we enter a world which has elements, interactions and situations which can under certain conditions alter or even cancel our incarnation, and therefore put an end to the accomplishment of our moira before it is fully completed. In this sense, what we really are, our life essence and by extension, our energy body cannot be threatened, only our body of incarnation as well as our accomplishment and its resources can be. In order to respond to this fact and preserve our incarnation and its achievements, security and defense emerge.

2.Pacifism and warmongering

Shandarism is not pacifist, but it is not bellicose either. It is not in a hippie and new-age, peace and love delirium. It doesn't seek to conquer and dominate others for power or glory. The spirit of hegemony, conquest, colonization and expansion does not exist in the Shandarian paradigm of consciousness. Thus, Shandarism seeks above all stability, harmony and unicity with its environment necessary for its own existence, action and evolution. But who will defend itself to protect its vital space as well as its integrity in the event of attack through the application of the 4th fundamental duty: conservation.

Enemies Contrary to certain movements and organizations, Shandarism does not need an enemy to exist or on whom to place the blame for this or that thing. This does not mean that everyone is beautiful and nice, because there are antagonisms and predators. However, the latter are not considered enemies to be fought or destroyed. These are just adversities part of the dynamics of the universe that we must manage in order to preserve our collective existence and realization. This is part of the game of stellar life and our incarnations. Finally, there is no good person who would be with us and no bad person who would be against us. Such categorization and reasoning is more about infantilism and human immaturity than anything else.

War games: War games, whether virtual (video games) or simulated in IRL for combat simulation games, are banned in Shandarism, because they only maintain on an unconscious level the non-respect of the life, the trivialization of killings, savagery, mind of destruction and impulses to annihilate other beings. There is nothing fun in simulating the destruction of other life forms.

3.Weapons, armament

In Shandarian thought, we consider the weapon for what it is. That's to say as an instrument for preserving life and thus ensuring our security and defense. Like any instrument, the weapon can be used in an ecological, positive way when the preservation of life is necessary or in a toxic and negative way when the preservation of life is not necessary and/or there is an error, abuse or deviation. Shandarism is neither pro-gun nor anti-gun. It does not encourage the use of weapons. It simply says that weapons should be used only if necessary to preserve life with science and conscience, intelligence and self-control, otherwise refrain from them.

Nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical weapons: In Shandarism, it is thought that nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical weapons do not serve life and its incarnations, but destroy it in the name of private interest, madness and negative and toxic ideologies. In order to remain in the light of S.O.L and preserve life and its system of incarnation, it is necessary to ban the existence and use of nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical weapons.


Shandarism doesn't have an army, because it's useless for the latter. On the other hand, it has surveillance, control and defense systems ensuring its own security. In this sense, the caste of Prostatis (praetorians) is not an army, but protectors, guardians integrated into the Shandarian defense system. If necessary, Shandarism can use the defense resources of the Xenos in addition to its own.

Military service: In Shandarism, we refuse to serve in a human army, because we refuse to sacrifice our incarnations or kill other incarnations to serve toxic and negative interests foreign to ours. Finally, serving in an army amounts to placing oneself under human authority. However, we only recognize and obey 2 authorities which are the cosmos and Emeis. We do not obey any human authority.

5.Military sciences, art of war

One can study military sciences and the art of war to know how to defend oneself in the event of attack or invasion, because there is no forbidden science in Shandarism. On the other hand, we cannot use this same knowledge to start wars, invade, destroy or plunder the resources of other peoples and lifeforms. In this sense, a system of control and blocking is necessary to ensure that this knowledge is used in accordance with the order of nature and the laws of the universe in cosmoethics.

6.Inter-human war

In the Shandarian paradigm of consciousness, inter-human wars are considered as savage wars for infantile and mentally deficient reasons (divergences of belief, search for power, covetousness of resources, fear of others, etc) . In order not to be drawn into these debilities, lower their vibrational fields and put ourselves in needless danger, we apply neutrality in inter-human wars, not taking sides with any belligerent.

Terrorism: In Shandarian thought, terrorism is considered to be an activity of destruction of life and incarnations which destroys the achievement and awakening of consciousness by depriving it of means of existence and physical action (bodies of incarnation). In order to preserve life, incarnations and means of realization, it is necessary to reject and prevent terrorism in all its forms, to ensure that all its emergences are canceled before they can build, act and destroy life and its achievements necessary for the continuity of existence.

Martyr & Heroes: Martyr and hero are two opposite sides of the same coin, one in a positive polarity and the other in a negative polarity. These 2 polarities are often taken as models and sources of inspiration to follow for sleepers, but in reality lock the mind into their representations and symbols. Which has the effect of blocking any evolution of consciousness. In order to remain free in the evolution of consciousness, Shandarism rejects heroes and martyrs. As a result, we have neither hero nor martyr.