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1.Powers of the mind

The powers of the mind are telepathy and telepsychis for information, clairvoyance and remote viewing for consciousness, psychokinesis and astral travel for energy. Their functions are to be instruments of consciousness allowing presence and actance as well as the flourishing and evolution of consciousness towards the higher planes of the cosmos.

2.Access & mastery of power

The powers of the mind are natural and inherent to the essence of life (soul) and its consciousness. In this sense, they are not outside of us and but inside. Therefore, it is simply enough to awaken them through initiation, know them through psychic education and then develop and master them through psychic culture. There is nothing magical or supernatural. In order to preserve life, their access requires full awareness and understanding of existence acquired through the awakening of consciousness.

3.Using psi powers

The powers of the mind are fundamentally neutral. From there, depending on the use we make of them, they will become either positive and ecological, or negative and toxic. Thus, when they're used with science, consciousness and intelligence in service of the grand design of the universe, life and the source of life, they are positive and ecological. But when they are used with ignorance, unconsciousness and stupidity to respond to the desires of the ego, the delusions of the mind or emotions, they become negative and toxic.

4.Shandarian energeticism

Shandarian energeticism is the channeling and use of energies and lifeforces as well as egregores in psychic and energetic operations in order to support the presence and accomplishment of consciousness according to the natural order of the universe, the laws of the cosmos, placed under the luminous Δ of the S.O.L. Energeticism is the equivalent of magic. However, there is no equivalent of white magic (good) or black magic (evil), because the concept of good and evil is absent in Shandarian thought. Thus, we have a practice whose orientation can be constructive, preserving or destructive depending on the context and the circumstances in which the psychic and energetic operations are carried out. Finally remembering that Shandarians do not cast spells, they use telepsychis instead.

5.True power

In Shandarism, the only true power is psychic and vibrational. It is not political or financial. In this sense, the latter is located at the level of energy and not at the level of matter. Psychic energy is neither masculine nor feminine, but a fusion of the two. Therefore the only and true power is neither patriarchal nor matriarchal, but androgynal, free from all ideology and private interests.


Psychocracy is a psychological, vibrational and social system of organization in which power and governance is vested in those with superior telepathic and neurological abilities. Recalling that in Shandarian thought, the word power designates both the powers of mind and governance.