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In Shandarism, health is important, we must not play with it or neglect it, but take care of it, because it is the state of being of our incarnation which determines our capacity or not to be able to accomplish our moira and therefore, to realize ourselves on this planet. Health then becomes a key vector of our personal and essential (spiritual) realization.

The Stheneia & the Astheneia: In the Shandarian paradigm, Stheneia is strength and good health which manifests itself through homeostasis and vitalism. Conversely, Astheneia, weakness and disease manifested by anomeostasis. Astheneia is necessary for stheneia. In this sense, there is no strength without weakness, no good health without disease. In order to maintain our balance and harmony, we must therefore accept both.

Responsibility for your health: In Shandarian thought, we are fully and totally responsible for our own health. That's to say our good health, as well as possible illnesses and their healing. In this sense, we must think, act and be accordingly. And do not enter Karpman's dramatic triangle with the toxic pattern of the executioner (the illness), the victim/martyr (the sick) and the savior (allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical industry).

2.The disease

In Shandarian thought, illness is not our enemy. It is not there to harm us, but to indicate to us that something present within us is in discord with our nature and the universe. They invite us to change what needs to be changed to find our Stheneia and thus be able to continue our accomplishment of consciousness. So, we must not fight the disease, nor go to war against it. But rather discover and understand its origin and then change it, transform it (with allopathic medicine if necessary) and thus allow regeneration and healing to take place themselves.

Physical pain: Physical pain is both information and a somatic message telling us that something inside us is wrong. In Shandarism, there is no need to suffer needlessly. So when the message of pain and its origin is found, understood and responded to, it no longer has a reason to exist and disappears by itself. However, it happens that it stays longer. We can sublimate, erase the pain information for more comfort until its complete disappearance.

3.Medical Care & Treatment

Medical and even surgical care and treatments don't have the function of healing, but of promoting the healing process by creating a favorable environment for regeneration. They thus allow to put back in place what's wrong so that the body's natural healing process can be activated. It's not the doctor or the treatment that cures, but the patient himself. But on condition that he wants it and lets the nature present in him do its work of regeneration and therefore healing. Thus, we must not reject allopathic medicine, but only use it with science, conscience and intelligence in the healing process.

Blood transfusions, organ donation & transplantation: Blood transfusions, organ donation and transplantation are permitted as long as the biological tissues are compatible and not contaminated or altered by viruses, microbes or bacteria.

Vaccines: In Shandarism, vaccines should only be given if they are necessary, proven to be effective and do not represent any secondary risk endangering the body of incarnation. Otherwise we refrain from it and let the immune system do its work without interference desired by the desires of the ego or the delusions of the mind.

4.Shandarian Hygienism

Shandarian hygienism is the set of self-maintenance practices allowing us to maintain ourselves in Stheniaia in order to be and remain able to fully accomplish our moira according to what is included in our incarnation program. Hygienism has 3 main reasons which are the homeostatic sense (health), prophylactic sense (prevention of disease) and therapeutic sense (healing).

Health checks: The purpose of the health checks is to verify that the body of incarnation is healthy and operational in order to be able to continue what we incarnated for on this planet. They are complementary tools to Shandarian hygienism.