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1.Politics & Political life

Politics and political life have no interest in Shandarism. For they are nothing more than stories of the ego and its desires for personal power, glory and wealth. In no case, they serve the existence, accomplishment and evolution of consciousness. Therefore, Shandarism is apolitical.

Politicians: Politicians are nothing more than sleepers running behind their own desires for power, glory and wealth. They are not people of trust, but people of distrust who will not hesitate to go back on their words, make agreements in the shadows, lie publicly and betray if it is in the interest of their own egos.

Political parties & ideologies: Political parties and ideologies are egregores whose sole purpose is to serve their creators and beneficiaries by giving them all the energy necessary to carry out their plans and projects. In Shandarism, it is forbidden to give one's energy and life force to an egregore other than Ofthalmos. In this sense, Ofthalmos is the one and only egregore to which we must adhere in order to support and protect our collective achievement and evolution of consciousness towards the higher planes of the cosmos. Therefore, we do not support any political party and will not adhere to any political ideology which would only divert us from the right path and the way of reason.

Votes and elections: In Shandarism, we do not participate in any political elections and we do not vote for any candidate. Because they are only people of distrust not serving the collective interest or their voters, but their own interests as well as those who finance them. If only one person can help and protect us, it's our own collective essence and consciousness. And not a person or a group of people foreign and external to who we are.


Governments are just bodies of administration serving the interests of those who control them. In no case they serve the collective interest or the populations under their administration. We are here in a system of fake in which governments direct their citizens according to the directives given by private interests. Private interests that are not ours and that work against us.

3.Nationalism & patriotism

Shandarism rejects all forms of nationalism and patriotism. Because what we are that is defined by the Shandarian identity is not linked to a country, a kingdom or a nation, but to the energy of life expressed by the Vevaiótita. The energy of life exists beyond all populations, nations, empires, planets and stellar systems. Therefore, being nationalist or patriotic has no meaning or reason to exist in our stellar synergy

4.Conspiracy theory

Shandarism is not anti-conspiracy, but it is not pro-conspiracy or conspiracy theorist either. In human history, there have always been plots and plotters since ancient times. But what we observe today is that modern conspiracies have taken on such strength and scale that nature has put in place a counterforce acting as a counter-power to balance things. And this counter-power is conspiracy theorists. In this sense, there would be no conspiracy theorists if there were no conspirators. It’s just a matter of balance of power.