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1.The Shandarian House

In Shandarian thought, the house is a conscious, intelligent and living dimension and structure,closed, composed of matter and energy fixed in space and time serving as a refuge and protection for our incarnation. From there, the different spaces composing it are spaces dedicated to the main functions of incarnatory life. This includes regeneration (bedroom), feeding (kitchen and dining room), hygiene (bathroom and toilet) and activities (living room), connection & communication (telepathic room) activities. of the body of incarnation. The Shandarian house has a distinct division between spaces reserved for welcoming guests and those dedicated to residents. This provision reflects important cultural and social aspects, aimed at ensuring confidentiality and honoring traditions of hospitality.

Home layout & decoration: The Shandarian house and its layout must be in a relationship of symbiosis and osmosis with its inhabitants. In order that the house becomes the extension and continuum of the body of incarnation, this is achieved through the spatial arrangement and orientation of furniture and objects to allow the present life energy to flow freely and harmoniously through its spaces and dimensions. Finally, the decoration of a Shandarian house is intended to be sober and minimalist with little furniture, empty spaces and in the center the elements necessary for the function of the room.

Minimalism: Physical minimalism or «material minimalism» consists of living in the Shandarian house only with the bare minimum to fully exist in the materiality of the cosmos and thus accomplish our incarnation program in an optimal manner. Which implies having only what is useful and essential for our incarnatory life as well as for the realization of our Moira. Nothing more, nothing less. There is therefore no accumulation or unnecessary overconsumption of good. This minimalism is thus part of an ecological thinking with our environment of incarnation in which we maintain a harmonious relationship with the universe in a conscious, intelligent and controlled mode of use and consumption of resources.

2.Cleanliness & maintenance of the house

A Shandarian house is considered a synthetic living being that must be purified, protected and maintained. At the origin of this consideration, there are astral exits. OBE in which we see and become aware that everything vibrates, everything is life energy in the house. In other words, we realize that the house has a life of its own. Like any other lifeform in the universe, the house must be maintained to continue to exist. Existence through which it ensures its functions as a vital space and place of life. Thus, purifying, protecting and maintaining a Shandarian house allows its structure and function to be kept intact. These actions are done on 2 levels which are physical with physical cleaning and vibrational with energetic cleaning. Finally, there is the practice of Khane takani for the big spring cleaning.

3.Protection of the home

In order to continue to ensure its function of refuge and protection, the house must be protected both physically and vibrationally. On the physical level by closing and locking access points, as well as the reinforcement of structures and the presence of protective barriers. On a vibrational level, the house must be protected by protective crystals as well as by the light of the Source. This practice consists of bringing the energy and light of the S.O.L (bliss) into the Shandarian house in order to protect it against the penetration of low frequency energetic entities or negative waves (kesh). Protection of the source is carried out after moving in and must be renewed every year in March, after entering the new planetary cycle celebrated by nowruz.

Objects to ban from the house: In a Shandarian house, there are objects to banish, because they can harm the present energy and the essential (spiritual) practice of the Shandarian inhabitants. These objects are: 1) Objects, symbols, icons and images of deities connecting or belonging to entities and egregores other than Shandarism, 2) Objects used to practice negative energetism (black magic, witchcraft), 3 ) Objects loaded with kesh (cursed objects) or carrying toxic and negative memories (memories of acts of violence, murder, rape, etc.), 4) Objects that do not belong to you (objects from theft or fraud) and 5) The presence of alcohol, tobacco and/or drugs.

Collectibles: The presence of collectibles foreign to Shandarism is tolerated as long as they are locked in a separate room and surrounded by energetic and vibrational protection.

4.Types of housing to avoid

In Shandarism, there are 5 types of housing to avoid which are: 1) Habitats whose former tenants were drug addicts, alcoholics, violent. Indeed, walls and floors have a natural memory which absorb, store and restore the thoughts and energies of tenants as well as past negative events. 2) Habitats in which there have been one or more tragedies, particularly when violent deaths and extreme suffering (murder, rape, torture, suicides, etc.) have taken place. 3) Habitats in which kesh activities were carried out (black mass, human sacrifice, etc.) 4) Habitats contiguous with a cemetery or built on it and 5) Habitats built on energy portals opening onto other worlds and dimensions.