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1.Shandarian communication

In Shandarism, communication which is a transfer and exchange of information and energy between several beings is above all vibratory and telepathic. In this sense, Shandarian telepathy is considered a language in its own right. And only after that, this communication becomes bodily including facial expressions, gestures, body language, and postures. Finally, verbal and written communication comes last. Each level prepares and enriches the next, creating a complete and deep communication experience.

2.Exchanges and discussions

All discussions and exchanges must be conducted with science, conscience and intelligence. But also be accompanied by the intention to bring value, to raise consciousness in mutual respect and not with the intention of harming and destroying or manipulating and abusing. In this sense, insults, mockery, gratuitous attacks and non-constructive criticism, hateful remarks, slander and condescension are not tolerated here. Just as gossip, clashes, scandals and controversies have no place here. So it is recommended to discuss and exchange with people of high value, ecological, awake and conscious, educated, intelligent and mature. But also to avoid any interaction and discussion with low-value, toxic, unconscious, ignorant and immature people, unless it is necessary for a given situation.

Violence & Self-Control: In Shandarism, violence is not permitted, because it is considered a source of instability and destruction of life as well as the expression and manifestation of barbarians and not of civilized people. Self-control is essential here. If a Shandarian loses control of himself, his composure, others have the duty to apply the 4th fundamental duty, conservation by collectively using their telepsychic powers on him. They thus neutralize his thoughts, emotions and even intentions in order to calm him down. Otherwise it can quickly escalate into violence and become highly dangerous, toxic and destructive for everyone.

3.Subjects & Taboos

There is no taboo or forbidden subject in Shandarian thought. Any topic can be brought up and discussed without restrictions or problems. But on condition that this is done with conscience, knowledge and intelligence (wisdom). In other words, that this brings value and enriches the interpersonal exchanges necessary for incarnation and the accomplishment and evolution of consciousness. So, freedom of discussion is total, but it must be exercised with responsibility. This creates an environment where communication becomes a powerful tool for intellectual and conscious (spiritual) development for a harmonious and enlightened evolution of consciousness.

Subjects covered: There are subjects specific to Shandarism which are conscious experiences (telepathy, trance, lucid dreams, remote vision, astral travel, etc.), the problems encountered and their solutions , the discoveries and observations thus make and the centers of interest common to Shandarians (psi powers, astronomy, ecology, medicine, well-being, sexuality). Finally, banalities and current affairs arouse little interest.

Freedom of expression: Freedom of expression is very important in Shandarism. Because it allows the energy and information present within oneself to circulate, which can then fully manifest itself. Which has the effect of maintaining Stheneia (good health) on the one hand, and being able to realize what we came to incarnate for on the other hand. At last, we must know that if we are in the light of truth, we are in accordance with ourselves in the light of the S.O.L. So there is nothing to fear, nothing to lose. Therefore, there is no need to censor something that would go against this light of truth. Now if there is censorship, it simply means that we are not in the light, but in the darkness of lies, falsity and deception.

4.The debates

In Shandarian thought, debates are nothing other than struggles of belief. Now, what is a struggle of belief if not a struggle of ignorance? When you have experienced something, you are no longer in ignorance, but in knowledge. So you no longer need to debate whether this is true or not, since you have already validated through experience that it is true or false! Which makes debates useless. And what is not useful does not exist in the collective consciousness. As a result, debates do not exist in Shandarism and its stellar synergy. So instead of debating, each brings a different angle of view to complement the other in order to obtain a global vision of the subject discussed. Which then allows its complete knowledge and understanding by all.

5.Mainstream media, social networks

In the collective, mainstream media and journalists should be avoided, because they are source of lies and disinformation. In this way, 99% of the information disseminated is useless for the incarnation and have the sole purpose of manipulating the crowds. They entertain to keep us away from truth and the realization of our Moira and generates stress, anxiety, kesh by lowering the vibrational frequency. So, they are both intellectual, emotional and essential (spiritual) poison. As for social networks, they are only a breeding ground of negative and toxic people spreading energies and information generating kesh sabotaging the well-being, health and peace of mind necessary for the accomplishment and development of incarnated consciousness.