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1. Work

In the universe, everything is always in motion to exist, to flourish and therefore, everything that exists works to express itself. Being a component of the universe, working is logical, natural and vital. Not working means that our life energy is no longer in motion and therefore, cease to exist and accomplish our moira. Thus inactivity is synonymous with stagnation and decline. As a result, Shandarians remain active until the end of their incarnations to complete the accomplishment of their moiras, except in cases of disabling illness, paralysis following an accident. Retirement does not exist in Shandarism.

Laziness and procrastination: In Shandarism, one must not be lazy or procrastinate in one's work, because laziness leads to inertia, immobility and stagnation in the accomplishment of the actions necessary for the evolution of consciousness. Procrastination delays the realization of the actions necessary for the moira accomplishment and the execution of the experiences of the incarnation planned for this present life.

2.Abundance & shortage

In Shandarian thought, abundance is directly correlated to nature and ecology. Because it's from the nature of the cosmos that abundance is created. The Cosmos creates and embodies abundance. Everything we need is found in one form or another in the cosmos. But it's up to us to make the effort to come and get it, since the universe encourages action. From there, Abundance is defined as access to the necessary resources in sufficient quantity in space and time allowing our existence and self-fulfillment for this present incarnation. We thus define 3 types of abundance of the incarnate or reincarnated being (depending on the point of view) which are the abundance of information, energy and matter.

Shortage is not possible in the universe. Because the latter contains in abundance all the information, energy and matter necessary for the living and realization of our incarnate consciousnesses on this stellar system. Therefore, if there is a shortage, either it was voluntarily created or this is the product of ignorance and negative, selfish and catastrophic management of resources, or all at the same time.

3. Money

In Shandarism, money is not an end in itself, but a means of accessing resources. Thus, there is no point in wanting to make money for the sake of accumulating money or simply for the egotistical pleasure of possessing wealth. In this sense, money is only there to buy goods, services or experiences (travel, etc.) that serve the incarnation (housing, food, clothing, transportation, telecommunications (telephone-internet), health care, etc.) as well as the accomplishment of consciousness. Finally, Shandarism encourages Shandarians to earn their living by lawful means. Honest work and fair business transactions are valued.

Gambling: Shandarism does not explicitly prohibit gambling, but it does not encourage it either. Done in a state of unconsciousness, gambling can become a form of reckless behavior and thus lead to cosmoethical and financial problems.

Usury: Shandarism strictly prohibits usury, that is, the practice of lending money with excessive interest. The latter condemns this practice because it is considered exploitative.

Almsgiving: Almsgiving which is a voluntary act of charity where a person gives money, food or other forms of material assistance to those in need does not exist in Shandarism. However, this is not a matter of greed or stinginess, but because it is considered that lack is also an experience of consciousness that the incarnating essence has chosen to experience. Therefore, the simple act of filling this lack interferes in the realization of this experience. Thus, in order not to sabotage the latter, almsgiving and charity are not practiced in Shandarism.

Begging: In Shandarism, one must ensure one's own subsistence through effort and work. In this sense, the Shandarian mobilizes his own internal resources in his work and efforts in order to ensure his subsistence. In addition, the Shandarian can count on the resources of the collective as a safety net. Which de facto excludes the path of begging. Finally, begging is perceived as the expression of a mediocre mind, it is thus considered here as a shame and a total humiliation.

4. Materialism & material goods

In Shandarian thought, materialism is simply the product of the materialization of the memory of the cosmos composing the physical plane of existence. That's to say the universe with all the planets, stars and galaxies, but also the nebulae and asteroids. It is part of the actum matter-energy making the physical universe exist which serves as our environment and material of experience for our incarnations. In this sense, matter is both the support and the instrument allowing the accomplishment of the being incarnated in the universe.

Material goods: Material goods are just compacted forms of the universe energy serving as support and resources for our incarnation as well as our accomplishment of consciousness. There is no other consideration of material goods in Shandarism. The possession of material goods is an illusion, because things do not belong to us, but belong to the universe. In this way, they are composed in their structures of proton, electron and neutron produced by the actum matter-energy relative to the universe. They are therefore its property. The reality is that these material goods are allocated to us only for our needs of existence, self-realization and evolution of consciousness, then taken back in one form or another. Being a temporary resource, there is no point in wanting to attach ourselves to them, but simply to use these material goods while they meet our needs of incarnation, then to get rid of them by returning them to the universe in an ecological way when we no longer have any use for them.

Inheritance: The objects and material goods that we have and then leave don't really belong to us. They are the property of the universe, since they are built from stardust concentrated in raw material from this planet. From there, inheritance is only a transfer of the use of material goods from one person to another and not from one owner to another.

5. Luxury

Luxury is the set of means, tools, resources, materials and environments (universes) of high vibrational frequencies which in their hidden, invisible and occult uses put us in relation with the higher planes of the cosmos, therefore the planes of light «lux, luxuria». Luxury therefore doesn't have the function here of flattering the ego or of maintaining in the bling bling and illusion of appearances. But only to provide us with resources and environments of superior quality for an advanced progression on the starway.