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1.The importance of knowledge

In Shandarism, knowledge is important, because it constitutes the key to knowing and understanding existence, the universe and life. It's from this same knowledge and understanding that we can then making exist our incarnation in this environment to order to accomplish our Moira. There where we can realize ourselves to fully flourish in the harmony of the universe and in respecting and following the laws of the cosmos. In this sense, there is no true existence, accomplishment and development of being without this knowledge and the full and correct understanding of the latter.

2.Exoteric & esoteric knowledge

Only essential, useful and necessary knowledge for one's incarnation as well as the accomplishment of one's moira counts. All other knowledge is useless and is therefore worthless. From there, there are 2 types of knowledge that are complementary to each other, which are exoteric knowledge and esoteric knowledge. In Shandarism, exoteric knowledge is the set of knowledge allowing us to become aware and understand the universe and our incarnation. Esoteric knowledge is the set of knowledge allowing us to become aware and understand existence, the being and its accomplishment. Thus exoteric knowledge provides the framework and form for the realization of consciousness while esoteric knowledge provides the essence and meaning of this same realization.

3.The quest for knowledge

In Shandarian thought, the cosmos is an eternal and inexhaustible source of knowledge free and accessible to all. The latter thus offers us available and unlimited knowledge in order to fully exist and thus be able to accomplish and realize our purpose of incarnation in its completeness. However, this knowledge that is offered to us is not directly given to us. We must first come to seek it and then take it. Which implies a quest for knowledge. Thus, this knowledge is not reserved for an elite, but is available to anyone who is ready to make the effort to come to it and then take it and understand it.

Curiosity: In the universe, all lifeforms have this natural curiosity, whether terrestrial, extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional. Because it's this curiosity that allows them to know in order to achieve and evolve. This curiosity is thus the engine of the quest for knowledge. However, there are 2 polarities to curiosity which are the positive polarity oriented towards subjects and phenomena participating in our accomplishment and realization of consciousness. And the negative polarity oriented towards subjects and phenomena which contributes absolutely nothing to the evolution and improvement of the incarnated being. Here positive curiosity is sought while, conversely, negative curiosity must be avoided.

The truth The truth touches the essence which manifests through energy and information under the form of algorithm. True is what conforms to the algorithms of the cosmos and False is what doesn't conform to these same algorithms. There are 2 forms of truth in Shandarism. Objective truth which refers to the existence of a fact, action or event (product of algorithms) on the level of matter. It is external to us. Then the subjective truth which refers to the existence of a fact, action or event on the level of vibration and consciousness. It is internal to us. However, there is no ultimate and absolute truth, because no existing intelligence or civilization in the universe, however advanced it may be, can hold all of the knowledge of existence. Only the S.O.L holds this ultimate knowledge.

4.Access to knowledge

In Shandarism, access to knowledge is free and open to both boys and girls. We do not discriminate here, because everyone has a function to play in this world and must therefore be able to have access to all the information necessary to carry out their said function. However, this access to knowledge requires the acquisition of skills in communication, reading and writing through literacy in order to be able to receive knowledge and have a correct understanding and use of it. They are thus the keys that open the door to access to knowledge transmitted through education and instruction.

Accessibility of knowledge: Fundamentally, there is no forbidden knowledge, but only knowledge whose accessibility is conditioned by the level and degree of consciousness and awareness acquired. In this sense, we cannot have access to knowledge that we are not capable of receiving. Thus, depending on what we are capable of welcoming, but also depending on what we have come to do in this universe, access to knowledge will be granted or not.

5. Education & Instruction

In Shandarism, education provides the foundations for inserting ourselves into our incarnatory environment, while instruction provides the instructions allowing activities and the accomplishment of being in this same environment. Education is like a vase and instruction is the content filling this vase. In this sense, one must be educated to form the vase before being instructed to then fill it. From there, the application of these instructions and their mastery goes through training and exercise before being put into practice in a real situation.

6.Use of knowledge & education

It is important that the knowledge acquired is used, because any unused knowledge ends up being forgotten from our memories. In this way, there is no point in wanting to know everything about everything in an eager search for knowledge. But only to know what we need to know to exist and accomplish ourselves in ecologicity with the universe and in lawfulness with the cosmos. From there, knowledge must be used in a positive and ecological way with conscience and intelligence, placed at the service of incarnation, life and its fulfillment. It must not be at the service of the desires of the ego (power, wealth, fame, personal profit), the delusions of the mind (belief, ideology) or to respond to emotions (anger, jealousy, hatred, etc.). Otherwise this use of knowledge becomes negative and toxic. It then transforms into a source of kesh, entropy, chaos and destruction, thereby threatening our incarnation, its moira and its achievements.

7.Continuity & progression

In the cosmos nothing is fixed or static, everything is dynamic and evolving. Everything is in perpetual evolution, our essences and consciousnesses included. As a result, the knowledge acquired ends up becoming useless and new, more adapted knowledge is necessary. Which involves the search for new knowledge. It's a perpetual quest for knowledge in which old knowledge serves as a basis and a step to reach next knowledge. What does not progress inevitably ends up regressing. In order to continue to progress in the awakening of consciousness, we must never rest on this acquired knowledge, but continue to seek and learn. Because this perpetual quest for knowledge is the guarantee of our progression of consciousness towards the higher planes of the cosmos, where the S.O.L is present. Otherwise we regress into ignorance and unconsciousness and finally lose ourselves in darkness.