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1.The human species

In Shandarian cosmology, the human species is only one species among billions of billions of others living in the universe. Which implies that humans are not the center or the totality of the universe. There is therefore no universality of man. Humans are not at the peak of evolution. Which excludes speciesism placing man above all other species. The human is not sacred or of divine source, but stellar, because it was created from stardust present in this present stellar system, Solaria. As a result, humans cannot claim any immunity, preferential treatment or free pass over the billions of billions of other living species.

2.Creationism & evolutionism

Creationism, which has no link with God, is the creation and implantation of primitive species by other more advanced species on different planets and stellar systems, this one included. Evolutionism is the evolution by adaptation of species to their environments previously established through the way of creationism. But also by updates made by other more advanced species responsible for this establishment. Thus creationism generates the species and evolutionism updates the generated species in order to adapt it to its ecosystem. From there, the essences of life and their consciousnesses can come to incarnate and reincarnate successively in biological bodies each time adapted to their new levels of acquired evolution. Creationism and evolutionism are in no way opposed, but complementary in their actions, thus ensuring the existence of a species and its continuity on the timelines.

3.Eugenics & Transhumanism

Eugenics is the set of sciences and technology for the control of living. It is a means of optimizing the body of incarnation of consciousness for adaptive and evolutionary necessity, not to become a superior being in an egoistic delirium. However, the latter must be carried out with science, conscience and intelligence and not with ignorance, unconsciousness and stupidity, taking into account and respecting time, nature, its ecosystem and its laws. Transhumanism is a primitive and archaic conception of the control of living. Indeed, the control of living must take into account respect for physiological limits, its integration into the ecosystem as well as the consequences of these genetic modifications in the long term. Otherwise, there is entropy and chaos before the extinction of life. However, transhumanism doesn't take this into account. It is based exclusively on man's egocentric desires, his infantilism, his ignorance and his illusory belief in being able to control nature according to his desires. As a result, transhumanism is highly dangerous and destructive.

4.Racism, Racialism & Speciesism

Racism, racialism and speciesism do not exist in Shandarian thought, because they are only the consequence of the dormance and ignorance state of being. A state manifested by a lack of awareness and knowledge of the reality of incarnation. In this sense, when one is awakened one sees and understands the reality of the true nature of what one is and of incarnation body. The consequence of which is that we realize the falsity of racism, racialism and speciesism, we let go and finally naturally abandon these erroneous and destructive conceptions.

5.The human being

In Shandarian thought, the human being results from the incarnation of a life essence and its consciousness in a biological body belonging to the human species. This incarnation aims to accomplish a moira (life mission) which contributes both to the evolution of incarnated consciousness and to improvement of the human body through the action and influence of epigenetics. These epigenetic improvements are then passed on to their offspring. Thanks to this transmission, the progress acquired by one generation can benefit the next, thus participating in the biological evolution of the human species. These improvements diffuse across generations, promoting a continuous, positive and ecological evolution of the human species across the space-time continuum.

6.Place of humans in the universe

In Shandarian thought, the place of humans in the universe is defined neither by the desires of their ego, nor by the delusions of their mind, nor by any ideology, belief or pre-established value. It is based on one's moira as well as one's abilities, skills and abilities to bring value to the cosmos. In this sense, the moira accomplishment and the skills necessary for this enterprise define its function in the universe and its function defines its real place. There is therefore no predefined place for humans. This implies an active approach oriented towards the common good, there where humans are distinguished by their actions and their real impact rather than by their personal aspirations or abstract convictions. It is a pragmatic and utilitarian vision of human existence, focused on the added value that each person can create to better serve the entire cosmos.


Humanism is nothing other than anthropocentrism which places humans above all lifeforms. This breaks connection of man with nature and plunges him into the illusion of being God. Cutting himself off from the S.O.L, he becomes blind, amnesiac and ignorant of his reason for being in the cosmos and the accomplishment of his essence (soul). He thus produces thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and actions that go against the natural order of the universe and the laws of the cosmos. The humanist man thus becomes a source of destruction of life and chaos through his unnatural and illicit thoughts and actions. So, humanism is incompatible with the universe and life in the universe.

Be at the service of man: Be at the service of man is to be at the service of his ego. Be in the service of the ego is to be in the service of darkness. Because man is a sleeper who has neither consciousness nor knowledge of nature. He has his eyes closed and therefore remains in the darkness believing he is in the light. His ego pushes him to believe the opposite, but it's only a lie and an illusion to reinforce his positions.

8.Human Rights

In Shandarism, human rights are considered a product of humanism used for the sole purpose of glorifying man by granting him a quasi-divinity status, but also to serve as a pretext for interference in the affairs of others, the destruction of civilizations and cultures, invasion and domination of other peoples. In this sense, human rights are perceived as toxic and negative, going against nature and its laws, contributing absolutely nothing to the realization and evolution of consciousness. It's for these reasons that Shandarism rejects human rights, preferring the rights of incarnation. That's to say granting fundamental rights necessary for incarnation and its accomplishment including the right to life for the presence of the incarnation, the right to resources for existence and its accomplishment, the right to freedom of expression in order to have sufficient vibrational space to self-accomplish and the right of accomplishment for the realization of Moira.